The steelband was once the "MAIN ATTRACTION" now it's just a SAD side show. The time has come to make Steelband the main attraction again........WHATEVER IT TAKES.
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Cecil, the discussions on the Steelbands on facebook is 1000% more active than WST over 30 steelbands post their bands under GROUPS plus other steelbands related groups such as CRACKSHOTS, STEELPAN People, STEELPAN Business, STEELPAN Talks and many many others groups. Widen your discussions by posting on facebook STEELPAN GROUPS.
While the Steelpan is accepted globally there is almost zero tolerance for the STEELBAND in the carnival arena, all we hear is the negatives as to why steelband is where is. There is a lack of will power to make the steelband a player in carnival where they can generate dollars for themselves, we prefer to leave the steelband on life support and wait for someone with enough balls to pull the plug .
Cecil hinkson > Cecil hinksonJune 29, 2013 at 8:49am
Remember people it was the STEELBAND who baked the Carnival Pie. It is only right that they have a piece.
Cecil, the discussions on the Steelbands on facebook is 1000% more active than WST over 30 steelbands post their bands under GROUPS plus other steelbands related groups such as CRACKSHOTS, STEELPAN People, STEELPAN Business, STEELPAN Talks and many many others groups. Widen your discussions by posting on facebook STEELPAN GROUPS.
Will do Garvin, thanks for your suggestion.
While the Steelpan is accepted globally there is almost zero tolerance for the STEELBAND in the carnival arena, all we hear is the negatives as to why steelband is where is. There is a lack of will power to make the steelband a player in carnival where they can generate dollars for themselves, we prefer to leave the steelband on life support and wait for someone with enough balls to pull the plug .
Remember people it was the STEELBAND who baked the Carnival Pie. It is only right that they have a piece.