That MICHAEL MOHAMMED is REAL TRINIDIAN, BOY. Ah wish all dem EXPATS who swear they LOVE PAN SO MUCH would start dipping in dey pocket and SUPPORTING VIRTUAL PAN EVENTS. We could have a VIRTUAL PANORAMA every month of the year if THE PAN COMMUNITY drop THE GIMME GIMME INCULCATION and put their money where there SO CALLED LOVE FOR PAN IS!!!
That MICHAEL MOHAMMED is REAL TRINIDIAN, BOY. Ah wish all dem EXPATS who swear they LOVE PAN SO MUCH would start dipping in dey pocket and SUPPORTING VIRTUAL PAN EVENTS. We could have a VIRTUAL PANORAMA every month of the year if THE PAN COMMUNITY drop THE GIMME GIMME INCULCATION and put their money where there SO CALLED LOVE FOR PAN IS!!!