The Music Industry in Trinidad and Tobago

Looks like now is the time for a new assessment and review...

The Music Industry in Trinidad and Tobago
Ralph Henry
Kairi Consultants Limited
14 Cochrane Street, Tunapuna, Trinidad, WI
Alvin Daniell
Major & Minor Productions Limited
52 Victoria Gardens South, Trinidad, WI
Stein Trotman
Policy Research & Development Institute
Scarborough, Tobago, WI

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  • Claude I not wasting my time to try to change nothing…change can only come when enough people feeling pressure to demand change. As it stands, and just as one of you said earlier somewhere, panmen in the mecca happy with the lil pittance they getting especially since they could play with any amount a bands to make a lil extra on the $1,000.00 from the government. Untill the anyhowness is curbed, we will continue to have problems and more bands will die…Mark my words I am giving Panorama about 10 more years in it's present format..max...

    Even you and Cecil see nothing wrong with "panmen making a lil change", so when I hear allyuh complaining I does have to laugh…nothing will change in a hurry…mark my words...

    • Even you and Cecil see nothing wrong with "panmen making a lil change"

      Mr. Merrytonestothebone: I am quite sure that I have never ever made any comment on "panmen making a lil change" on this forum. Au contraire, I think the PNM government has wasted enough money on pan and they should not waste another dime on panorama.

      Look what trouble yuh gone and get me in and I am already having a terrible week with the stale curry and the four goals we get yesterday!!!

      • My apologies if ah lyin' on yuh…ah know yuh belly thin fuh spite by now….if is not you is Cecil then…because I made a point then to tell whoever it was that they and Diaz in the same boat…but that aside you of all people on this site know my stand on the anyhowness…I not in that…better they offically and correctly pronounce Panorama to be a show where Panmen are paid to perform with whoever, whenever and stop calling it a Competition...

        • merrytones, water will always fine a way to flow, pan people today is like water,they found a way to deal with panorama. They watch at how much money the tuner and arranger make, so they move around to make  more money,  that's normal human behavior. oswald  pointed out how much people make money from panorama the players are just doing what they feel they have to do. Panorama today is a hustle.

          • fuh real eh...but tell me what about the Competition aspect of Panorama? Case in point as happened this year…a man arranges for one band and is hired as drill master by a competing band…"water finding a way to flow eh?"…according to a former boss back in the day "we in serious trouble"...

            • merrytones, money is the star boy in this movie, as I said everybody looking to make a dollar, when this happens everything falls apart.

              What you must understand is everybody waiting to hustle off this event, it's the ONLY pan people hustle, whole year men planning wey dey go do.

              • Panorama today is a money beast without scruples, look at arrangers, if they don't produce they could loose they job, everybody want to be in the big money. Guys like you and oswald are a dying breed, how much of your personal finances goes into your organization? the day is coming when you will be forced to sit down and look at the beast and decide if you will continue to contribute to something where others walk away with the profit.

                • But hear you nah Cecil Hinkson…yuh even worse than I thought…I could understand you your way of thinking though, because your reputation is not at stale where dishonesty is concerned…mine certainly is…at least I like to believe so...None of my personal finances has ever gone into Merry Tones…ever...we have always had a committee running our business…and we have always held each accountable…we keep regular meetings and make decisions by vote…maybe I am old-fashioned, but at the end of the day I sleep well at night knowing that I at least "try" to do the right thing…and not kowtow to public opinion…
                  Panorama today is the money beast that it is because the powers that be are afraid to reel it in and make and stand by proper rules and regulations…simply because they all benefitting from the skullduggery…

                  • merrytones, I'm glad to know that none of your personal finances ever went into your organization, but I'm sure that there are others that were not so lucky. As I've said before Panorama is a money train that comes once ah year and all pan people plan for it.

  • I wonder if SNOOP DOG and FITTY CENT and Dr. DRE and P DIDDY and JAY Z does write all dem long academic papers before they go in the studio and produce music that generates BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in sales? (I left out Suge Knight because he actually went to the University of Las Vegas, Nevada and given his current residence I don't think that he will be making too much more music.)

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