Before I begin, I would like to share with you ALL, my attitude and opinions on RACISM. A couple years ago I wrote the following poem, titled None Of My Friends Are Niggers:

None of my friends are niggers
Though many (of them) are of African descent.
None of my friends are crackers
Though many (of them) are of European ancestry.
None of my friends are kikes
Though many (of them) are of "Jewish" heritage.
None of my friends are coolies
Though many (of them) have their roots in India.
None of my friends are spics
Though many (of them) are Latino.
None of my friends are alike in appearance
Though ALL (of them) belong to the "human race".
None of my friends share the same religious philosophy
Though ALL (of them) share an equal chance of being redeemed by GOD's mercy.
Peace To ALL (of them).

George D. Goddard

In another one of my postings, I addressed the "reverse racism" that exists in the "pan world", coming to the defense of two colleagues, one Chinese-Trinidadian, and the other, White-American. I published this on my webpage:

In the "Blueprint", I included an "Equal Opportunity" addendum, which not only addressed racial discrimination, but discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, nationality, age, and religion, among others. (See Steel Pan Blueprint For Success.) 

Ever since I joined WST, I have tried to appeal to our collective consciences, when it comes to our individual attitudes and opinions as they relate to race. I have not only exposed the racist comments, but I have also shared videos by Dr. Velu Annamalai and Tim Wise, in the hopes of bringing sense to the discussions. I have witnessed members like Patrick Ramdoo and SIDD (Steve Taylor) making all kinds of racist comments, which all show their East Indian and Hindu-based attitudes and opinions of "Blacks", including "Blacks" in their "Grandmotherland" (to quote PM Kamla Persad-Bissesar); the Dalits, who are known in India as the "Untouchables". The Dalits are not even on the pyramid of the Hindu "caste system" order, and their shadows are not even allowed to be cast on the Hindu temples of India.

In Trinidad, I remember when the West Indies played India (Sunil Gavaskar was one of my favorite batsmen), how many "Trini Indians" supported the Indian over the W.I. team. I remember how "up in arms" the Indo-Trinbagonian community got, when Black Stalin sang Caribbean Man (remember "same trip on the same ship"?). I am reminded of how the East Indian indentured descendants (especially the Hindu community of Central Trinidad) refused to join the PNM in our march to independence, choosing to support Capildeo over Dr. Eric Williams, as they wanted NO part of integration with their African-descendant countrymen, choosing, rather, to remain segregated.

Fast forward to 2013 and we witness that those "old coolie" attitudes and opinions have not gone away. The comments by some on this forum, reveal their pathology, and disdain for "Blacks". They also reveal there their hate and rejection for anything than can be associated with the "Black experience", including the steel drum/pan and the steelbands. As such, it is not surprising to hear comments from leaders of the Indo-Trinbagonian community along the lines of "allyuh beat pan, we go beat book". When one examines the comments of certain WST members, it should further expose their contempt for the steelbands, their members (who are STILL predominantly "Black"), and their instrument of choice. One will observe that the "noise" reference comes only from a certain few, who in exposing their opinions, further reveal their identities, as they relate to (what we term) "race". Their attempts to destroy the "steelband culture", and suggestions to not only replace the instrument with electronic replicas, but to remove the steelbands from Carnival altogether, should serve as additional proof of their "ole coolie" attitudes and opinions towards "Blacks". One will note, for example, that, Patrick Ramdoo, while commenting on "noise", fails to reject the "ole nigger" epithet. Of course, the biggest "ole coolie" of them all, Steve "SIDD" Taylor, has propositioned his "reasons" for "Black skin being a curse for past sins", stating that those who die as sinners, will come back as "Black slaves (to) serve White masters". While a few expressed their being offended, SIDD remains one of the respected voices on WST.

As we read the article in the Guardian, it should come as no surprise that the "ole nigger" reference would be applied to the members of a steelband, for, in reality, that is how the society (as a whole) view those who are steelband members. I have alerted this forum to the fact that the only way to address our "race issues", is by confronting them head-on. We live in a society, where "inconvenient truths" are best left uncovered, and the topic becomes taboo. Those who choose to discuss race and racism, are quickly branded as racist pariahs, who draw the "race card", and who should be ostracized from this WST forum. I understand this, and I am empowered by my conscience to speak up and speak out against the racism that many prefer to ignore and pretend as though we have a society free of that social hazard. Choosing to live in denial, rather that face the reality, only serves in perpetuating those "ole coolie" attitudes and opinions, as expressed by Ramdoo, SIDD, Claude Gonzales, and others who suffer with this pathology. It is my hope that we become wise enough to read between the lines of their comments, and hold them accountable for EVERY racially-insensitive comments they post, and if I have to stand alone in doing so, I am well-prepared (spiritually, physically, and intellectually) to go it alone. Courage is defined by on'e will to go against the grain, even in the face of ridicule and contempt. Hopefully, as a collective body, this WST membership will become courageous enough to call out anyone who presents such pathological opinions and attitudes, as we ALL reject ANY such offensive comments about "Blacks", steelband, the steel drum/pan, and those "Blacks" who choose to immerse themselves in a "pan culture" that was handed down to them by their forefathers. The time has come for these racist comments to end, both here on WST and in our Trinidad and Tobago society as a whole. This is my truth. As always, may you all go/be in peace (Shem Em Hotep.)

George D. Goddard, B.A.

On When Steel Talks as Pan'tum - The Ghost Who Talks.

Honoring The Legacy Of George "Sonny" Goddard.

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