The TRINIDAD ECONOMY is in a FREE FALL; and jobs, money, food and health services are in great demand but declining reach. So if you can get a job on the NEXT PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVE, you are VIRTUALLY A MILLIONAIRE.

As a result, the level of desperation and the LARGE FIELD that is lined up to SUCK ON THE NCC CULTURAL BUDGET is EVER EXPANDING. BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE has come out of hibernation (forced out of hibernation when she saw others doing her job) and is now in FULL CAMPAIGN MODE.

But now she is in that old childhood quandary that little boys often faced when pitching marbles: which one do I pitch at? I can still hear the voices of my little friends saying "two mind does miss". You see, as  explained coming up to the last elections -- PAN TRINBAGO is just a STEPPING STONE for BEVERLEY as her eyes have always been set on a SEAT IN PARLIAMENT as a representative for TOBAGO. All the people who follow PNM POLITICS and TOBAGO POLITICS know that. Her plan was always to use the PAN TRINBAGO OFFICE and money to buy TOBAGO PAN MEN VOTES. And thus far she has run true to form just like I outlined going into the 2018 ELECTION.

But life always has a way of TRIPPING YOU UP SOMETIMES. How was BEVERLEY to know that THE PDP would earn a tie with the PNM in the recent THA ELECTIONS and that the next election will almost run parallel to the PAN TRINBAGO ELECTIONS and that BEVERLEY'S true POLITICAL LOYALTIES will get EXPOSED PUBLICLY to her DETRIMENT.

I am eager to see how she blends those TWO MERGING WORLDS and comes out unscathed ... she has to be A MAGICIAN to do that!!!

Still I think that with the ECONOMIC DESPERATION in the island, THE THREE REBELS will betray ROBERT HERNANDEZ at the very last minute and join forces with BEVERLEY so that they maintain their FAT PAY CHECKS and PERKS during this ECONOMIC CRISIS facing the nation. While other PAN MEN STARVE, they will be living HIGH OF THE HOG while perpetuating THE CORRUPTION that has become the lifeblood of members of that executive. Look at the SCAM that CARLON HAREWOOD is running with the blessings of BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE (ripping off PAN PLAYERS with the their GRANT MONEY) and even the GOD FEARING TREASURER sits silent and watches this scandal being swept under the rug as PRIME MINISTER down to POLICE OFFICERS turn a blind eye.

Lord, this is going to be a DIRTY AND SCANDALOUS RACE -- but my money says that THE THREE REBELS will survive this ROLLER COASTER ride and end up back in office with BEVERLEY back as PRESIDENT and the DYSFUNCTION will continue for another three years while PAN PROGRESS suffers.


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