Natalie Briggs Thursday, January 19 2017
What, exactly, is Trinidad Carnival’s business model? Business models essentially outline target markets, strategies to build customer base and how exactly the business is going to make money. But as we established last week, most of the agencies responsible for running this country’s Carnival rely heavily on taxpayers’ money to put on the ‘greatest show on earth’. Moreover, they have never really had to justify the hundreds of millions of dollars in expenses annually while not earning comparable revenue.
The fall-off in attendance at Carnival events, acknowledged by the bodies themselves, suggests that they are losing touch with what audiences want to see and experience. There also seems to be no clear strategy on how to win them back.
In the absence of identified markets, a plan to build and keep them and most importantly, profits, can Trinidad Carnival be said to be an operational business model at all? And in light of this, why do people continue to justify dipping into the public purse, reasoning that there are hundreds of millions to be made, when the “business model” does not support this? Some of the carnival agencies are beginning to realise this.
The Government has to take a serious look at using the Peoples tax dollars to put on a show for large companies and few private citizens to make mega dollars.
CH; this is Y the ERADICATION of Act # 5 will work, BECAUSE it will involve the GOVERNMENT, which will intern warrant an AUDIT...