It is time to end this movie. Auditions for the main characters are in order.

Main characters.

Rolly Polly aka Boss gangsta

College Boy aka Smart-man 

D'Photo aka Shameless

Dolly Wolly aka the Hammer

Gangsta One aka I Don't Recall

Crack-shot aka Where my money at

Ping Pong aka Schups (dey fool me again)

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  • More like watching the slow death of the steelband movement, the venture capitalist Rolly Polly has taken over the movement and the quality of service going down the drain due to downsizing.
    Pan Ramajay, Pan in the 21st Century, Pan Down Memory Lane, Pan Jazz in the Yard, may their souls rest in peace. Panorama on life support dying from ole age, it needs a brain transplant. Calling on doctor fix-it, a private (investor) contract administrator maybe?
    With this mystery movie, the lover’s quarrel we will continue to the next episode as they look for that dog name Constantine, whey de money gone….

    • ODW

      This movie just might be both a mystery, and a comedy as Claude calls it. One thing for sure is that from the perspective of the players and fans it will be a Trinidad & Tobago tragedy.


      • Bugs: Your script has to be au courant -- so you have to add TWO RECENT DEPORTEES to the cast. And ah taking the lil driving role, eh -- but ah eh drive on the wrong side ah the road for so long ah might end up crashing the BMW SUV, leading to a new PLOT TWIST.

        As ah matter of fact yuh could make me the DEPORTEE DRIVER and kill two birds with one stone.

  • Ah think allyuh looking at a COMEDY and calling it a CORRUPTION IN THE CITY DRAMA.

  • Bugs, D only man ah feelin sorry for is D'Photo, Shameless ain't know "party done" and it's each man for himself, like he intend sink with  Rolly Polly,  he ain't see Smart-man College Boy trying to save he self.

  • Ah now wonderin who is Rolly Polly, he have BIG belly??

  •  they will get national awards soon enough

     sterling contribution to culture

     court   will reach privy council and they will run out of attorney fees

  • Bugs:Ah taking ANY ROLE yuh give meh and ah hope yuh hiring BLACK PEOPLE, eh. Ah was just standing in the TRUMP LINE trying to get ah role in the new cabinet and is only WHITE MEN in the longest line ah ever see.

    • Claude, dah line yuh went in is the wrong one,that's the line for HELL.

    • Claude do you have any experience in driving luxury cars that were paid with other peoples money? 

      The cars are still waiting on the docks to be picked up according to sources on the ground.

      This is a serious part that could land an Oscar.


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