“Somebody will win this Panorama” quipped Keith Matthews of Trinidad All Stars as no fewer than nine bands played Winsford ‘Joker’ Des Vignes’ title song of 1989. In 1990 Jit whipped the field again with Lord Kitchener’s immortal classic. At last, my ‘King Arthur’ of the round table of Panorama arrangers had ‘earned his spurs’ through painstaking but seamless transition from nobody to somebody to iron man.
Enjoy and share Jit’s palpable arrangement and my real-time technical analysis of ‘Somebody’
- See more at: http://www.panonthenet.com/samaroo/the-saga-of-jit-samaroo.htm#sthash.RWh5KT9w.dpuf
Took the liberty to share this poster comment on the video from Youtube...
SuperSnk1 16 hours ago
It will take us quite some time analyzing Dr.Jit Samaroo's work before we could get an idea of just how BRILLIANT a musician he was for each time you sit and earnestly listen to any of his arrangements new sounds emerge, new moods appear and you are left to wonder how come I've never heard this before, is this something new he recently added. Those Musical GEMS were so intricately designed with all those various movements that one would not be able to grasp its Complexity with just a few hearings. I am anxiously awaiting the adjudication of his work by those esteem Professors of Music world wide for I opine that it would be Extremely Interesting and very Educational.
A dreary sunday afternoon and this certainly lights up my day!!!