New York, USA - The New York leg of the “great weekend of pan” took off with a bang. Despers USA’s Bedford Stuyvesant’s panyard aka ‘the Pan Loft’ lit up the night under the overhead projection of a full moon that illuminated their facilities as the organization’s launch for the steelband music panorama season commenced.
The warm Summer night weather with an intermittent cool breeze, the jam-packed panyard in the later hours - with throngs of die-hard steelpan music aficionados - and of course the stellar pan music - were all there. The only thing missing was that classic vista from the hills of Laventille looking out over the capital of Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and the Caribbean waters (the Gulf of Paria). On this night, directly through the decades of sacrifice, steadfast and unwavering efforts of Despers USA, we find ourselves in another distinguished community treasured for great steelpan music, talent, tradition and high culture - Bedford Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York.
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What beautiful adjectives by the writer in describing Despers USA's performance and the ambience at large, at the band's launching of 08/07/09. Man, I wished I had the ability of the writer. Is that the words of Mr. Trevor John? please advise.
Well, I am happy that everyone appreciated all the bands. Thats good, I always say we should be PAN lovers and not Band lovers. We need more comradiere and less dichotomy. I am an elder of Despers USA/Metro Steel. As a matter of fact it was Joseph "franklin" Gerald that came up with the name of Despers USA, in 1975, and yours truly, who suggested cutting, Denzil "belt" Botus' Metropoliton Steel Orchestra, to Metro Steel in 1978. (so much for trivia).
I hope that all of the other bands lauching, will be well supported. At my time next (4) Saturdays the competition would have been already started. I wish all the Steel Orchestras the best at Panorama 2009, and I hope that they and the their respective fans, will purchase a copy of "400 Questions and Answers on Pan from 1960 to the Present" or my new release, "Brooklyn Panorama from 1972 to the Present"
Ian Franklin
Well, I am happy that everyone appreciated all the bands. Thats good, I always say we should be PAN lovers and not Band lovers. We need more comradiere and less dichotomy. I am an elder of Despers USA/Metro Steel. As a matter of fact it was Joseph "franklin" Gerald that came up with the name of Despers USA, in 1975, and yours truly, who suggested cutting, Denzil "belt" Botus' Metropoliton Steel Orchestra, to Metro Steel in 1978. (so much for trivia).
I hope that all of the other bands lauching, will be well supported. At my time next (4) Saturdays the competition would have been already started. I wish all the Steel Orchestras the best at Panorama 2009, and I hope that they and the their respective fans, will purchase a copy of "400 Questions and Answers on Pan from 1960 to the Present" or my new release, "Brooklyn Panorama from 1972 to the Present"
Ian Franklin