The Steelpan Revolution will be Televised - And Then Again Maybe Not...
Symposium tackles the Panorama question: Is there a need to revisit the Steel Band Panorama Format?
Brooklyn, New York - The recent events in Tunisia, Egypt and other parts of the Middle East have again taught us that revolution and change will not necessarily happen when and where you think. In addition, those recent occurrences have also illustrated, that the incident or voice which will become the pebble that precipitates the crystallization, or start of an avalanche - is not necessarily what or who you think it might be.
Last week, the Trinidad and Tobago Folk Arts Institute held a special symposium titled “Is there a Need to Revisit the Steel Band Panorama Format?” While the symposium went on without a major shift on the seismic scale of steelpan music activities, the aftermaths of what was put out there on the table for public consumption, may have massive volcanic repercussions in the future, all over the steel orchestras and steelpan music panorama world.
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