Well SIDD just introduced a TOPIC on which I consider myself VERY WELL INFORMED.

Here is the problem: Much like MOVIE PRODUCTION, MUSIC PRODUCTION is a CRAP SHOOT!!! It is only after you release THE MOVIE or THE SONG that you find out if THE PUBLIC LIKES IT.

And the TRINIDAD MUSIC PRODUCERS have a hard enough time PLEASING TRINIDADIANS with the 1.4 million population (well 700,000 if you want to get into the RACE THING) -- so why would they risk the art of writing for the INTERNATIONAL MUSIC INDUSTRY when they do not (AND CANNOT) even vaguely understand that industry.

Beyond that, the MUSIC PRODUCTION money is scarce so they have to go for the LOW HANGING FRUIT -- and I said before ... even that is TOUGH COMPETITION.

Ironically, I have been putting up POSTING after POSTING in the last couple weeks about how to PLAY PAN FOR FOREIGN AUDIENCES -- and it is like a joke to this WHOLE FORUM ... like I am speaking a FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Which only verifies in my mind how many LIGHT YEARS we are away from producing GLOBAL SOCA and PAN MUSIC.

That "SAVANNAH GRASS" -- I stayed away from commenting on THAT SONG for the whole CALYPSO SEASON. But those were the most NON-SENSICAL and GRATUTIOUS LYRICS I have heard on one of the BEST RHYTHM TRACKS in decades (and nobody has spent more time on this forum talking about and referencing CALYPSO LYRICS than me). And I am willing to bet that the RHYTHM TRACK was VERY FOREIGN INFLUENCED.

This is a very complex discussion!!! But it revolves around MY PURPOSE on THIS FORUM: GLOBAL SOCA and STEEL DRUM MUSIC promotion!!!

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