This is a man I understand as if he is my FIRST COUSIN!!! The only difference between us is that I have kind of had a GOLDEN SPOON my whole life, whereas KEITH DIAZ was forced to be CREATIVE to survive. But in cultural understanding of TRINIDAD and TOBAGO and our geographic and genetic and contemporary and psychological profiles -- there is a lot of commonality. We are both REAL TRINIDADIANS. And there are not too many of them left. Just as the REAL AMERICANS are dying at the rate of SPEEDING BULLETS. But that is another story!!!
And so it is very easy for me to read and empathize and project the behaviour of KEITH DIAZ. That is why so many people get confused about my postings about KEITH DIAZ since they expect me to have only a hostile view of the man. But I can understand him from TWO DIMENSIONS.
I can't wait to see how this whole drama unfolds. The one thing I know is NOT to expect any miracles from his replacements -- especially if this whole BACCHANAL goes to court. And I don't have to tell anyone how SLOW THE COURT SYSTEM is in LAX!!!
Ah hear they still looking for the ASAMI killer!!!