THE CODRINGTON FAMILY: Their music lacks DYNAMISM. Dey good for ah lil HARVEST in the BUSH where RUSSELL PROVIDENCE does live. But these are TOP FLIGHT/WORLD CLASS PAN PLAYERS that representing the USA here in this REGIONAL EVENT.
But, Cecil: I thought that CANADA had PLENTY PAN -- how come EXODUS LEAVE ALLYUH OUT???
UK and Canada coming the next time around..I'm happy the AMERICANS representing.
Yuh cyah overlook the Codrington Family.
THE CODRINGTON FAMILY: Their music lacks DYNAMISM. Dey good for ah lil HARVEST in the BUSH where RUSSELL PROVIDENCE does live. But these are TOP FLIGHT/WORLD CLASS PAN PLAYERS that representing the USA here in this REGIONAL EVENT.
But, Cecil: I thought that CANADA had PLENTY PAN -- how come EXODUS LEAVE ALLYUH OUT???