A few thoughts about Carnival
To begin with, let me say that PanOntheNet is by far the best site on the net for pan and carnival. It is better than the Pantrinbago site by far. My only complaint with them is that they should make the list of tunes for panorama such that folks can select the tunes on the list to make their own playlist
Both the Pantrinbago and the TUCO websites are down right horrible. You cannot find current info for both pan and calypso during the season. You have to search other sites to get this when it should be readily available to all at both these sites. They sometimes neglect their own sites and put out current information on Facebook or Twitter. Both sites need to be reworked to bring them up to the functional capabilities of PanOnTheNet.
Also very bad are the websites for individual steelbands. You would think that all steelbands would have on their website a list of all members of the stage side and some information on their life - a human interest story, if you will. Their websites either do not exist or the information on them is useless.
TUCO should implement a program where all calypsonians must submit the lyrics to their calypsos to be part of a database of lyrics for calypso. This means Chalkdust, Sparrow, Black Stalin. Lord Kitchener's son (representing his father's estate) and all others, should turn in their lyrics. TUCO, by the hook or the crook, must get all the lyrics of all calypsos every written even if they have to hire a couple of stenographers to listen to old calypso records and transcribe them. This info will go on their websites where any calypso lover could go there and see the words to every calypso ever written.
I suggest that NCC should stop handing out trophies and awards at the end of each category final, and instead go ahead and give out the prize money as usual (folks need it), and then sometime in April or May, have a "Carnival Awards Ceremony (CAC)"show, where all trophies and awards are handed out on a CAC show that resembles the Oscars or the Grammies and is broadcast on national TV and maybe the internet.
The CAC could include such things as the best soca and calypso music video, selected live performances from category winners and lifetime awards to folks who worked long and hard and contributed a lot to the success of carnival over the years.
Tony Marshall you were going well until you decided that NCC should stop handing out trophies and awards. Here is where education is important, money cannot drive you to creativity, that is, develop new ideas to develop anything, all you would be able to do is mass produce like the 'bikini and beads mas' we see so often. In fact we all know what to expect from bliss, harts, legacy etc for 2018. I believe with the 'eat ah food mentality' started years ago,steel-bands are stuck from developing any kind of innovation. Awards are great for recruitment, PR for coverage etc.
Thanks for the suggestion Tony Marshall. WST will work on it.
Dey like it so, that's why "dey jamming still"
Then again, don't forget that they know EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING!!! And they have EVERYTHING in place in their own minds!!!