Three E’s to empowerment.
In order to negotiate we must come to the table with value.
The pan theatre has the potential to be a valuable asset to our nation.
When one’s product commands great value, the corporate, private and public sector would approach for partnership.
How can the pan community make itself valuable?
Pan Trinbago should assist bands in three areas towards Empowerment.
We call it the three E’s
Because of limited resources, bands would only be able to pick one of the E’s. If they choose to do more, it would have to be on their own initiative.
Education is big business all over the world and music education is no different.
Building membership
Sales of products.
Students paying to learn pan.
Members of a higher social class pay to learn music therefore better possibility of sponsorship.
Members that are music literate. (time saver)
Make money
Resources needed from Pan Trinbago.
White board
Business plan
It is said that all rich people have one thing in common, and that thing is business.
The ability
-to create or recreate products.
-to buy and sell goods.
-to offer a service
-to becoming self employed.
Make the pan yard a place of employment.
Build Clientele
Build membership.
Make money
Resources needed from Pan Trinbago.
Business plan
Both virtual and physical platforms to sell your products locally and internationally.
We must understand the entertainment industry to really maximize the true value of what we do as musicians. The elements of this industry are dance, acting, visual arts, music, videography, photography, lighting, directing, writing, etc. we must understand that we are part of a whole and should not continue to operate in isolation.
Make the pan yard an entertainment hub
Build fan base
Build membership
Make money
Resources needed from Pan Trinbago.
Assistance with transport.
Policy on police and fire at pan events.
Access to performers outside of pan.
All bands should have access to a Pan Trinbago video and audio recording studio because an album is the first marketing tool of any band.
Helping our bands develop themselves will impact on the way the nation views the organization. Our pan theatres should be the second community centre in every village and once we can show our value to our nation then we will give ourselves value at the negotiating table.
Support us to support you.
One of our goals is to attaining economical security through effectiveness and efficiency.
Short term goals
Constitutional reform
Access debt
Renegotiate debt
Renegotiate memo random of understanding.
Establish pan Trinbago as partner to CARICOM.
Set up web site were pan Trinbago products can be sold.
Cut out executive and administrative positions reduce salaries for executive members.
Access drum factory and create pan factory.
Create and space on our web site which allows members to advertise their businesses.
Renegotiate rent through the use of technology
Long term goal
Empower bands using the three E’s approach.
Perchase trucks and Maxis.
Set up and printery.
Buy and sell products creates from our membership.
Build recording studio, audio-visual.
Create stars within our industry (individuals)
Market the pan to virgin territories.
Partner with schools locally and internationally and make pan related products available to them.
Form a partnership the steel pan associations which are already in existence.
Host another international competition.
S.W.O.T analysis
The human and inferstrucal resource among our membership.
Establish money making events.
40 million dollars in debt.
Tarnish image.
Reconnect with CARICOM and the International Steelbands’ Association
Tap in to school’s musician system internationally.
Elect the wrong people for the job.
Method of assessment.
Each member of the organization will be given task related to there position and quarterly reports would be given to the president on the progress of the task. And the president should report on the performance of each member at our Annual General Meeting.
Any suggestions for improvement are appreciated.
odw, thanks for responding.
love the direction of the convo.
keep the questions coming and add suggestions if you can.
Hold the PM to account for the opinion expressed. Review the Act of 1986.
This Act may be cited as the Pan Trinbago (Incorporation) Act? 1986.
I would like to hear from the CANDIDATES on HOW this would be accomplish?
WHAT is their PLAN of ACTION?
This is not rookie season, would they be willing to sign a contract agreeing to be terminated if services are NOT delivered?
How is SUCCESS going to be MEASURED?
What PLANS are in place for computerizing some of the administrative functions at Pan Trinbago?
Panorama registration should be an automated process no longer a manual procedure.
Back to School in Pan
Prime Minister Keith Rowley recently at one of the “Laventille Nights” made the promise to the people of Laventille that the government would find the money to develop the area and he made further statements about diversification, tourism and pan. He also expressed the opinion that the Panorama competition had outlived its usefulness and some other kinds of initiatives were now necessary to maximize the potential of the steelpan especially in the context of the need for diversification. All this in light of the fact that three steelbands from the Laventille area had been very successful in last year’s Panorama competition.
The three E's are just a plan for the pan yards, which is a small aspect of the PT's development process.