"The only way to break the deadlock in Tobago is if one person breaks ranks and votes against their own party.
That vote will be done in secret when the Assembly meets tomorrow and no one will know who determined the vote for the temporary presiding officer.
Two political analysts, Dr Hamid Ghany and Dr Winford James both agree that only a defection could now break the deadlock.
James said that one party could give way and agree to become the minority party as a way to break the deadlock, but admitted that he did not see that happening." Guardian
"The only way to break the deadlock in Tobago is if one person breaks ranks and votes against their own party.
That vote will be done in secret when the Assembly meets tomorrow and no one will know who determined the vote for the temporary presiding officer.
Two political analysts, Dr Hamid Ghany and Dr Winford James both agree that only a defection could now break the deadlock.
James said that one party could give way and agree to become the minority party as a way to break the deadlock, but admitted that he did not see that happening." Guardian