Come on Beverley, you have to communicate with your constituency. Even if Rowley and Dolly trying to sink your ship, you have to come forward and give some kind of Positive Statement.
(Hey, I could write up a nice little piece of political doublespeak for you to keep hope alive among the troops.)
But people are expecting to hear something from you after all the grand election promises. Look, yuh real lucky. Pan Players love you so much and voted for you in such large numbers that they don't even care if they get paid or not. Nobody eh making a squawk for their money. Yet, they deserve some level of reassurance that you are actually representing them like you promised to do in such a big and bold way during the campaign.
So call a Press Conference (soon) and bring your followers up to date on your early efforts to stabilize the PAN TRINBAGO SHIP. Or shoot a video and inform the Pan Masses on the early successes or struggles during this transition phase of your leadership.
How many times during the campaign did you buzz the word "TRANSPARENCY"?
Well open the curtain just a wee bit and tell us what's going on!!!