Beverley will wake up one day and realize that she PROMISE the MOON and the STARS and she cannot deliver. And then her only option will be to look out for herself in the typical MIMIC MEN bewilderment.

Hell, I am sure that she done realize that already. But pride will keep her pretending to be on top of things. So now we are looking at 24 wasted years of stagnant leadership in PAN TRINBAGO.

After 12 years of Patrick Arnold and 9 years of Keith Diaz -- allyuh really want to sit down and watch ah next three years of FAILED LEADERSHIP in PAN TRINBAGO? Any surprise that the organization is where it is today?

Is time for THE CIP to start a new campaign to GET RID OF BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE in the BEST INTEREST OF PAN!!!

Gregory Lindsay stop dreaming about getting some WUK from Beverley and go back to your "REVOLUTIONARY" calling.

And when we getting a new PRO to start speaking out on behalf of the organization? Yuh let Sharmain Baboolal muckrake your leadership and yuh stay silent and let all the charges season in the minds of the public -- even Michael Joseph would have found a way to save face.

Come on THIS FORUM and see how many views the article got here!!! And then add two and two!!!

Like yuh really in over your head in truth!!!

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  • Beverley tell the last meeting she doh want to hear a
    h word of what they spoke about and everybody gone silent, ah doh know if it's fear or loyalty but it's like we dealing with the Secret Service. I'm just waiting to see if players get their money and the outcome of the J'ouvert.
    • Cecil Hinkson: I cannot believe that you treat me like that. You get to find out that BEVERLEY drop the omerta on all the EXECUTIVES and MEMBERS and you yuhself keep that a secret from ME.

      And you see me scrambling to add up the pieces while you sitting down there FULLY INFORMED. Ah doh like that AT ALL.

      But somehow SHARMAIN BABOOLAL get the whole story in microscopic detail and expose all the short-comings to the world -- look how much reads that article get on THIS FORUM.

      Somebody said that if the players don't get paid by the 15th -- then they have to wait until next year. Ah doh know if is true or not!!!

      What happen to the TRANSPARENCY promises?

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