Bede; do y'all remember when " Pantrinbago and the Nigerian Government" was planing to start manufacturing pans in "Nigeria" ? as CEO of S.N.S.E, I 've had the "Luxury" of putting a stop to it, where I wrote to "Chief Bowe Bowe" via the "Nigerian High Commission" in St Clair Port of Spain, advising them that S.N.S.E, owns the Copyrighted Design Patent, Trademark, and Moralrights 4ths & 5ths technology on the tenor pan "NOT" Pantrinbago, as they would need written permission in order to do so on a mass production scale, I would "LOVE TO " but the "SKIP" Anthony Williams would want to stay neutral, what I would do is give S.N.S.E shares to PanTrinbago to who ever is worthy, in an attempt to move tha"PAN" further, this is what I & SNSE intends TOO DO, as Williams assign ME, to pass on HIS KNOWLEDGE, but I'm not going to give it to, who dosen't want it, or know what to do with it, and according to The ACT of 1986 that gave Pantrinbago it's Constutional ByLaws, Keith Diaz Presidential term has been expired for sum time now, I do not know how he is still in office, where he can be IMPEACHED...

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