Time to go back to the PAN TING!!!

SENTIMENT flowed freely! TIM KEE resign!!! This is  NOT a political forum (as I have been reminded numerous times)! And crime in Trinidad and Tobago IS a political issue!!!

Somebody, please explain how DESPERADOES win that PANORAMA!!! And how PANTRINBAGO and KEITH DIAZ eh even direct ONE WORD of sympathy to the deceased woman.

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  • Supernovas,bought a lot of players,,,thinking that the win was a sure thing for them.Now they don't want to face Desparadoes,because they still sounding like any other 1992 band. The only other band to sound like a 2016s band is Phase 11 Pan groove. Besides Boogsie,and Zanda all these other arrangers,are stuck in the eighties and nineties. It's two entirely different classes of musical content. BLESSINGS.
    • You are right on point MORNING GLORY. Nice Post!!!!!!!!

      • Right on point? Which point?
        • The point that they did not want to face Desperadoes in the champs of steel concert.All the bands that had a first place offering in whatever category showed up.

  • Who are you to even question,Desparadoes win? I think you just like baccanal. Have you ever even played a pan? I don't believe so. Congratulations to Desparadoes,and Carlton Alexander. BLESSINGS.
    • One does not have to play a pan to appreciate pan music or music in general. There are many who play the pan and don't have a clue about "music".
  • A more serious question should be,why Supernova dissed the Champs in Concert show by not showing up.Is it bcuz they feel that they are the Goliath of the pan fraternity? I AM just asking.
    • I have a more serious question….What were Supernovas champion of?…Pray tell?

      • People's Choice.

        • ok…my bad then…I didn't know that People's Choice was invited too...

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