JJJ: Ain't nobody got NO MONEY to PAY YOU. The GOVERNMENT BROKE -- ROWLEY borrow so much money and then borrow 2.7 BILLION more to pay off the PETROTRIN WORKERS -- only to hire them back (indirectly)..
UWI eh have no money to pay you for the G-PAN.
PAN TRINBAGO in SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS OF DEBT -- although they are that is FORTY TWO MILLION. But they refuse to prove with FINANCIAL REPORTS.
JJJ: Ain't nobody got NO MONEY to PAY YOU. The GOVERNMENT BROKE -- ROWLEY borrow so much money and then borrow 2.7 BILLION more to pay off the PETROTRIN WORKERS -- only to hire them back (indirectly)..
UWI eh have no money to pay you for the G-PAN.
PAN TRINBAGO in SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS OF DEBT -- although they are that is FORTY TWO MILLION. But they refuse to prove with FINANCIAL REPORTS.
You need a NEW PLAN, MAN!!!