Of course he did; he encouraged him under a watchful eye,  letting him tune the tenors,  while he focus and balance  the back ground voices, I'm in the National archive trying to locate an Evening New article headline, Piano pan serves North Stars well...

Before "rock" started tuning, "skip" Anthony Williams we called him then, had designed the spider web pan, which alloted 25 notes on the tenor and later  he added 3 more, totaling 28 notes, "rock" later total 30, to 36, to 37 notes, which  I Leslie Michael Jordan played in the 1962 Music Festival, as the design was for 49 notes, I'm in the process of posting photos and a copy of the September 18th 1963 Patent..

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  • Dear Sir, Thank you for your response to my query. First of all, it is my pleasure to meet you via this discussion in regards to this important matter, which involves patents pertaining to the Original Pan Am North stars. I became aquainted with Pan Am in the early 60s' as a young man of 22 years, and because of my love for pan, i was captivated by the magnificent sound that was achieved through (trial and error) and web design. Since then, i have been a fan of this great orchestra and to know that you were a part of the Original makes it a great honor for me to converse with you. I am hoping that as this matter progresses, it will reach a just and equitable conclusion. Once again it is an honor to speak with you, and if possible, please convey my best wishes of health and long life to Mr. Anthony Williams. Thank You.

    • When can I read on more info concerning To Mr. Hannibal Muhammad pursuant to "rock" Johnston... I was a member of Westside Symphony in 1965 and I would like to read more about "Rock" on the Spider Web 

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