Tony Deyal | Mohammed And The Mountain

The Gleaner - Jamaica

Paradise Lost

...Ainsworth Mohammed is what we call a 'panman' but one whose strength, whether as a banker or band manager, is the combination of organisational and people skills with foresight and strategic thinking. While deploring the lack of a 'big vision' for steel pan music in Trinidad and Tobago, Ainsworth worked with his band Exodus, which, he said, "was formed out of PRINCIPLE. Discipline, Commitment and Respect for self and others" and this was reflected in its achievements, "not just in competitions, but [in] the bigger picture of people development and community and national service".

I am not sure whether Minshall went to Mohammed or Mohammed to Minshall, but last year I went to pay homage to them both as Exodus and Minshall joined forces in a small but effective 'sailor' band named Spiritus Mundi, or Spirit of the World, a term based on the belief of poet William Butler Yeats, expressed in his poem 'The Second Coming', that each human mind is linked to a single vast intelligence, and that this intelligence causes certain universal symbols to appear in individual minds.

This was Minshall's second coming, his return to Mas, and it was followed a few days ago, on Carnival Tuesday 2018, by "The Eyes of God", the message conveyed by the lowest of the low mas, the sailors, that, "ALL MEN ARE EQUAL IN THE EYES OF GOD. WOULD THAT ALL GODS WERE EQUAL IN THE EYES OF MEN."...

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