1. Remove Panorama from Carnival altogether. (Without articulating how that benefits the steelbands, those pushing that idea, are yet to explain why not keep Panorama in the environment in which it was created, and create other events or steelband competitions for other times of the year.)

2. Include other genres into Panorama. (Music genres include rap, dancehall, gospel, heavy metal, grunge metal and polka; NONE of them the “music of Trinidad and Tobago”, and neither of them define the rhythms that define us as “Trinbagonians”. Every nation moves to a different beat; that is what shapes a music genre: the cultural expression of a people moving to their own beat.)

3. Include electronic instruments and Android apps into Panorama. (Again, this suggestion is made without clear articulation, as to how that will move our steelband and steelpan culture forward. Their main argument, posits that electronic instruments are louder, when the fact is, without electricity and amplification, they make NO sound whatsoever! Without electric amplification, the steel drum/pan is much louder than ALL electrophones, and the issue that society had, and has, with the steelpan, was not that they were not loud enough, but that they we so loud, they were considered as “noise-making” instruments.)

4. Have non-pan people run Pan Trinbago. (We ALL know, that “pan people”, are qualified in a wide cross-section of vocations, including business and law. Many panmen and panwomen have MBA’s, JD’s, i.e. Juris Doctorates, and other qualifications that make them FULLY competent to run “pan business”. The assumption that all pan people know is how to play, make, or push pan, is embedded in negative stereotypes of those who represent the steelbands.)

5. Have the steelbands association be based in the United States and not in Trinidad and Tobago. (Without clearly articulating how that will benefit the local steelbands of Trinidad and Tobago, this proposition, further insults the people of Trinidad and Tobago, in its assumption that we cannot handle our own culture, industry, or business. The irony is, the same ones promoting this idea, expect others to consider them as “patriotic Trinbagonians”.)

6. Include other instruments like violins, saxophones, electric guitars, kazoos, and ukuleles in the steelbands ("pan bands", for those who reject and refuse to use the term steelbands) for Panorama. (Then shouldn't the name also change to reflect those inclusions? How about: Musicinstrumentsorama? Sounds as silly as it looks, and as this proposition sounds. Panorama is steelbands moment to shine; to showcase all aspects of steelband and pan culture; from the sound and look of the instruments (steel drums or steelpans), to the mastery of arranging for steelbands. Why posit stealing away their limelight, again, is not clearly articulated, in terms of "moving pan forward".)

These are the top five suggestions being presented ad nausea. Granted, we all have “ideas” as to how we improve the conditions of the steelbands in Trinidad and Tobago, however, I would hope that rather than attack those who oppose those ideas, the proponents of these suggested changes, understand that unless they clearly articulate how their suggestions will benefit the steelbands of Trinidad and Tobago, they will continue to come over as having hidden agendas; agendas that have nothing to do with “moving pan forward”. The “burden of proof”, in all actuality, lies with them, and not those who intellectually resist such proposed changes, and insulting those who reject their proposals, does not eliminate their need to approach the debates with intellect, and not condescending insults. Hopefully, those on that side who plan on attending the town hall meeting in March, will adopt a different approach, for they will not be able to persuade the listening audience, with arguments based on anything less than reason and logic. As always, Shem Em Hotep (May you go in peace.) 

Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.

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  • Steelbands in the Mecca spend all their time on Panorama if removed from around the carnival season they might look at bringing their band on the road.

    As for electronics,  I think the time has come for a demonstration, lets have about 20 users with e-pan, PHI and the indigisound pan app perform a panorama tune on the stage, give them an opportunity to blow us away.

    One guy suggested that they  judge panorama on the road, I thing this might not be such a bad idea seeing this is when bands walk with their supporters.

  • Ghost: If you are going to go down to Trinidad and establish yourself as a leader of the movement in March, then you should get off the agitation, define the high points of your agenda and PUSH THEM FORWARD.

    There will always be critics and opposition and dissent -- don't let that derail you from your specific agenda. There is no movement working against the steelband. All that is lacking now is an integrated team of servants to the instrument working in unison to get better results.

    Everybody is looking at the instrument and wondering how they could exploit; but that is true in all other walks of life, not just the pan. So don't let that bother you!!!

    Be the leader you want to be and PUSH YOUR DREAM without letting others sidetrack you.

    Happy New Year 2014 and I sincerely hope that you get the spark from this meeting that lights the big fire!!!





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