Consider this: Although Italy makes Ferrari's, Lamborghini's, and Porche's, they still "sell" the old, man-powered gondolas as a part of "Italian culture". Although Hawaiian women are up on today's fashions, they still greet visitors wearing grass skirts. Although China is one of the World's top technological centers, they still use "pulled rickshaws" to transport people around China. Although, Japan has guns, they still practice their traditional martial arts. Why? Because they understand that which makes them unique, and are not willing to replace their Samurai swords with an AK-47. They rather die with their traditions, even though they are into technology.
No country eliminates their cultural traditions, regardless of how technologically-savvy or advanced they are. I am yet to understand why some "Trinbagonians" believe that we must retire our traditions, in order to become more technological. History has shown, that the cultures that survive, are those who understand how to balance tradition with technology. They also understand what makes them unique, and why visitors visit their countries; to get what they cannot get anywhere else, but in the place they visit. Again, technology has its place in the steelband world, however, that should not compel us to destroy what our forefathers built. In love, peace, and hope...
Ghost. Same philosophy; different attitude.