Brooklyn, New York - J’Ouvert City International Inc. Executive Board of Directors and its affiliated Mas and Steelband Organizations send their condolences to the King family. To his wife Beulah we are standing with you in these sad moments, he has been your rock throughout the years. God bless you for the tolerance you have showed as he spent hours creating, formatting and developing a program that everyone can enjoy. J’OUVERT IN BROOKLYN.
Earl is the founder of J’Ouvert City International, Inc. he was a member of the then Pan Trinbago USA, a member of United States Steelband Association, Metro Steel Orchestra, co-founder of Tradics Steel Orchestra and a Cultural Ambassador. His ability to effectively negotiate with elected officials was remarkable. He will surely be missed.
J’Ouvert City International, Inc., Metro Steel Orchestra and the King Family invite everyone to the REPAST at Café Omar located at 1744 Nostrand Avenue & Clarendon Rd.
Yvette Rennie
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R I P aka: Curly!
my condolences