Loop Magazine -- #steelpan
A Trinidadian braid specialist has won a regional hair battle with a unique pan design.
Pashion Kellar, who can be found on Instagram under the name dpassion4realbraids, topped the braiding category of a Caricom Hair Extravaganza called the Beauty Exchange Expo which was held in Barbados over the weekend.
It was the first time Kellar entered any competition in her 25 years of braiding.
"My strategy was how am gonna get this done. Ideas were playing up in my head and my pan piece was one of my first ideas. I changed it to an Indian girl then back to the pan cause I said a steelpan woman is one of the most beautiful things," Kellar explained
She said she decided to make her design a tribute to the late Pat Bishop, who she said bravely entered a male-dominated arena to arrange for steel bands.