Laura Dowrich-Phillips - ttLOOP
In his documentary SteelPan Now! Notes on Where Pan Gone, Ryan Saunders and his co-producer Aaron Astillero trace the spread of the steelpan beyond the shores of Trinidad and Tobago.
The documentary, which premiered at the Trinidad + Tobago Film Festival, looks at the growth of the steelpan but from a foreign perspective.
The documentary follows several steelpan pioneers, inventors, players, composers, arrangers, and pan makers of various backgrounds across several cities in the United States who’ve spent decades involved in the steelpan movement.
Among the people featured in the documentary is the late Ellie Mannette, Arranger and lecturer Liam Teague, Renegades arranger Duvonne Stewart, Johnathan Scales, composer, musician, founder of the band Fourscales and Kyle Dunleavy, an American pan builder from Philadelphia.
I know RYAN SAUNDERS, personally. HOORAH FOR HIM!!! I have a lot of his early works and was impressed enough to reach out to him (then). But today is a new day and I judge all things on the BROUGHT FORWARD BASIS!!!
So I am eager to give him a FAIR EVALUTATION on his NEWEST WORK!!!