BC Pires
Trini social-distancing.
A man who made his living (some say made himself rich, if only fleetingly) from playing himself on television, in his full King of Carnival/comess costume comprised of suit jackets four sizes too small, white plastic Cadillac windscreen sunglasses and bamcee-squeezer, ankle-breezer pants, made a video tearfully confessing he “had it” – and all the empathy in the Town he claims to run vanished, like hot hops bread... https://newsday.co.tt/2020/03/27/trini-social-distancing/
Ian Alleyne has Coronavirus | He and his son Israel cried on camera
Pinned by Rosie Queen
Deev Playz
2 days ago
Yall. Sorry for saying this but some Trinidadians dotish how in the world could someone be tested positive for covid and come home? If you are positive you are sent straight to quarantine! I believe that this is not true. I mean it could be real but come on nah.