By Lara Pickford-Gordon Thursday, May 20 2010
TT has been given patent approval for the G-pan and this is expected to reap benefits for the country as inventor. This was disclosed by Prime Minister Patrick Manning during the PNM’s political meeting at the Diamond Vale Co-operative, Wendy Fitzwilliam Boulevard, Diego Martin on Tuesday.
Manning revealed that a day earlier, he had received correspondence from lawyers retained by Government that the application for patent in the US was successful.
“The patent from the US for the G-pan will be issued to the Government and people of the Republic of TT very shortly,” Manning announced to cheers from the crowd of supporters.
Manning said this was important and he expected that approvals from other countries would be forthcoming. “And therefore for the first time the pan has been identified once and for all as an instrument produced here by the people of TT.”
To the Prime Minister Of Trinidad and Tobago.
Together we Aspire, Together we Achive! Along with the Government of Trinidad and Tobago, I am seeking interest from internationally known companies such as Angustura, Carib Larger Brewry, Matouk's, Caribbean Airlines, Solo and Chubby our Soft Drinks Companies, Petrotrin, Pantrinbago and other private investors to be Sponsors of this event to stimulate international interest and media attention around the world.
This is a proposal for the comemoration and celebration hightlighting a historical land-mark of Trinidad and Tobago for August 31st, 2012. Obviously, with an exclusive use of our own unique and most modern in musical instrument inventions. In 1962 the year of Independence the government did not declare the Steel Pan the National Instrument. It was not until 1992, the Steelpan became the National Instrument of Trinidad and Tobago. As a tribute to our young Nation’s contribution to Arts, Science and technology in the 21st century and in tribute to the 50th Anniversary of the Independence of Trinidad and Tobago. I propose that all Steel Pan Players World-wide perform the official version of the National Anthem of T&T - the Land of the Steel Pan. This tribute this wil raise awareness of the origin of the Steelpan and as a symbol of Freedom and Cultural Expression. The Steel Pan Instrument is as symbolic to freedom of expression in the Caribbean as is the Statue of Liberty to the American people.
World Festival celebrating Steelpan Music
I have personally nicknamed this project “Panmageddon” my positive twist of the fabled Armageddon; I am doing this because of my deep appreciation for the hard work and dedication that the people of Trinidad and Tobago have put into the development of our national instrument for over the past 50 years. This also is an attribute in memory of the early steelpan pioneers, for their vision and endurance against social stereotypes. I have written to Mr. Lashley our High Commission in Toronto, about organizing an all Steel Pans event to commemorate our 50th year of independence. On behave of our Cultural Heritage, our gift to the World of Music, the City of Toronto and the Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) can be solicited to graciously help in marking this significant milestone, not only to the people of Trinidad and Tobago but to all Caribbean People. As a symbol of Good-will, all Steel Pan Players performs the official version of the National Anthem of Trinidad and Tobago.
T&T Consulates around the world can be instrumental in encouraging dialogues and guidance among the international steel pan communities. The popularity of the Steelpan Instrument has spread well beyond the shores of its birth place. International Steel Pan players can show their appreciation by participating in this mission. We must encourage and show appreciation to the millions Steel pan Players around the world. To create interest and involvement, I suggest offering the supporters of our National Instrument further incentives such as an all inclusive paid Trip to T&T for Canival 2013 with tickets to the National Steelband Panorama finals. A winner will be selected by a random draw and will also receive a complete Soprano package including a Steelpan Playing with Theory book written by Salah Wilson and donated by Steelpan Plus Pan Boutiques in Montreal and Toronto.
To qualify for the prizes Participants must provide a Video playing any steelpan instrument and must make a *donation* to one of our choosen charitable organizations including the Second Chance Scholarship Award Foundadtion Inc. I am willing to use this opportunity to help raise funds to assist other agencies that deals with medical issues that are presently affecting steelpan people and their families; Diseases such as Cancer, Cickle Cell, Epilepsy, with Diabetes leading the way, to name a few.
The benefits for supporting Panmeggedon has the potential to positively generate long-lasting relationships among the inter-generational, multi-national, multi-cultural and diverse global community. Global acceptance and admiration for the Steel Pan Instrument will futher solidify the performing arts of the Caribbean as a whole, with great economic benefits, while continuing the legacy for generations to come. Let us, Lift Every Pan Stick and Play! A festival of Steel Pan Music.
Volunteers are necessary and will be needed to facilitate many aspects of this great event in various Cities. I am look forward for your particitation and sincere support.
Best Regards
Hameed Shaqq
(well the hyperlink doesn't seem to work, so copy the url below and paste it into your browser.):
(well, now it seems to have worked, I hope?)