Organized By: National Junior Panorama Committee (representatives of Ministry of Education [Pan In The Classroom Unit], Pan Trinbago, Inc. and Pan In Schools Coordinating Council)
Hosted by the Ministry of Education in collaboration with Pan Trinbago, Inc. and the Pan In Schools Coordinating Council.
Categories: 21 & Under and 16 & Under.
Selections and BandsNational Junior Panorama Rules and Regulations
Views: 655
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It took many socalled pan enthusiasts in trinidad and tobago many years to accept the fact that pan musicians are quite capable of composing their own music.Pan on de move composed by Ray Holman and performed by the then CIBC Starlift in 1972 the criticisms were many because kitchener and sparrow were in their prime so all these lazy arrangers sitted and waited every year to hear what these calypsonians had to offer.It does,nt pay to be innovative and creative in trinidad and tobago.If you do you will face the wrath of the critics who do not want change.Dey LIke It So De Same Ole Ting.
Over the years we,ve been through many changes
It was real tears to keep moving through stages
Pan has really struggled since birth
To be what it is on earth
I,m a rebel a pan rebel 1983 phase 2 pan groove
When the history of pan is rewritten it will be said that the judging disasters of panorama started in 1965 when a well orchestrated and organised Hold on to yuh man performed by panam north stars and arranged by pan genius Tony Williams was placed second behind jambalassie music melody mas guiness cavaliers dealing one of pans earliest death blows.
Pan Rebel,
Now is the .time for serious minded panmen and panwomen to take a stand against the culture vulture blood suckers and form a movement that represent not only people actively involved in the pan movement but the people as awhole.Save it for the future generations.Form a new pan movement of pan playing members and leaders who has the best interest of our culture at heart.
The future of pan sits squarely on the shoulders of a generation in crisis. I make this comment from a socio-economic standpoint.Trinidad&Tobago is in a state of turmoil.Political Degradation,Economic Strangulation and Cultural Destruction is plaguing the future of the country.
Panorama is the slow death of pan in T&T it's only a matter of time.Carnival was stolen from pan and that started the PAN IN DANGER ERA.Right now pan awaits its final resting place.And if you want to make the argument that i am overreacting,walk through any major carnival town on carnival monday or tuesday and you'll see exactly what i'm talking about.
Sekou USA.
After more than forty years panorama sucks the same it's been doing since 1965.God save our culture from the vultures of pan trinbago and the judging fraternity of evildoers.
Phase 2 USA.
It was real tears to keep moving through stages
Pan has really struggled since birth
To be what it is on earth
I,m a rebel a pan rebel 1983 phase 2 pan groove
Pan Rebel,
Sekou USA.
Phase 2 USA.