Chairman of the Pan Trinbago Eastern Region, Mr. Vernon Morancie, will be hosting a media briefing at its office, 133 Eastern Main Road, Tacarigua, Monday 12th September, 2011 at 11:00am to highlight the plight of one of its members, Arima Golden Symphony.
According to Mr.Morancie, Pan is once again in danger as the Panorama 2011 Small Conventional Champions were evicted from their panyard, Arima Priority Bus Route Mall and their instruments scattered and exposed to the elements.
The eviction was ordered by the PTSC to make way for a new transportation hub.
Mr. Morancie, his Executive along with members of affected steel orchestra will be in attendance.
Pan is not only our gift to the world , it is a gift to all Trinbagonians. To be the ones blessed to invent this instrument, to be the number one in the world in something, a position which all countries will envy. from the day when ah man realise that you can get more than one tone from a barrel to today when it is being embraced by countries all around the world and some ah we don't even treat it with the respect it deserve. If you is ah Trini well you have a clame to fame even if you never lay stick on ah pan. The men and later on the women who devoted them selves to this, and today the ones at home and abroad that is still dedicated to the only instrument invented in the 20th century and what is now an icon for Trinidad and tobago, deserve better than that.