Global - The Trinidad and Tobago Chinese Steel Ensemble has been invited by the China Performing Arts Agency to participate in the Meet in Beijing Arts Festival 2014 from May 1 to 3.
The Festival, which began in 2000, has established itself as an International Arts Festival. It is one of the largest (festivals) in Asia, respected by both domestic and international arts communities.
Since its genesis in 2006 when a “Chinese Steelband” was formed in commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the Arrival of the Chinese in Trinidad and Tobago, the band has maintained a busy schedule performing at many events. Some of these included many engagements hosted by the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, at the Prime Minister’s Diplomatic Centre and more recently at the Inauguration Ceremony of President Anthony Carmona at the Hasely Crawford Stadium.
CONGRATULATIONS and thanks for keeping the T+T Flag flying High. I know that you would do us PROUD.
Ken, good luck to you and team on your May trip. I still have the China/T&T pin you gave me 3 years ago (lol).