
Jimi Phillip; first thing's first, pan is not a string instrument, and should not be treated/tuned as such, where every note is seperated by pegs, and the EQU temperment file on the Peterson Strobeascope that all of U are using was created for pianos, EQU in physic defined "Equilibrium" means a state of balance between opposing forces, the first strobe tuner was made by "CONN" with one temperment file "EQU" untill "PETERSON" bought them out and added seven more temperment files, U can check U R Peterson Manuel, to see all eight of them, one can be used for the pan, piano, woodwind, trumpet, guitars etc, the piano, 60% of the piano has 3 strings for each, 25% has 2 strings for each note, and 15% the bass has one coil string for each note, and each string must be tuned precise and equal, the pan has one flat surface, with perimeter groove lines, which create the notes, which U already knows, these notes is to be tuned separately and independently, not needing any other note to help it, the 4ths & 5ths technology was created for this purpose, of scattered notes, on the "Invaders Tenors" a high D next to a low C# etc, Williams said it was harp-hazard, or out of musical order, that was why he came up with the 4ths & 5ths in 1949, A brief note; the Invaders tenor wasout before "Ellie" started tuning pan, his borther "Ossie" and his nephew "Herman Gomez" designed it...
So the EQU 3rds & 5ths temperment files won't work well with the 4ths & 5ths intervals pans, find the correct temperment file that will work for the pan, I'm not going to tell which one it is, do the work for your self, the collabration wheel on your strobe must stop on the white line of UR strobe for the note to be accurate, I forget to mention that I tune pianos too, at present I'm rebuilding a "BALDWIN" Grand for a friend, keep up the good work and forget "Harmonics" focus on "OCTAVES" the octave must, I reiterate must be, in the note for it to be correct, chow 4 now...

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  • Leslie, I am glad you brought that up about Octaves. Long  time ago when I hear about Tuners tuning a Pan they used to say "That they got to put the Octave up here or there", but nowadays I don't hear them saying that any more, I hear them talking about Harmonics, I wonder Why? I would like some of the Tuners we have on WST to add their Views on this.

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