Of course I'm prejudice, but I have to say this, this year's 2015 panorama, apart from myself and Anthony Williams work, I've heard one of the best "ping pong / tenor pan" in "Phase II" in the past 25 years, I played "Malagenua, Poet & Peasant, Voices of Spring, El Relicario, Minuet Waltz, and the Ping Pong Rondo on it, as a sort of exercise, this pan was the closest I've heard to Pan am North Stars "TONE", I have to make a comment on this instrument, to the point that I wanted Anthony Williams to hear it but he was unable to, what is so amazing is, that it was made in "America" by an "American", by the name of "Kyle Dunleavy" of Pennsylvania USA, I told him what I felt about his work, and that it was as good as the best that I've heard, don't get scared or jealous fellar's, U know that U R the best, but this guy has done a great job with this drum and he will continue to do so, keep up the good work "Kyle"... other tuners who's work I've tested to the metal is "Guppy" Brown, Dudley Dickson, Sherwin "fessor" Pierre who I've worked with where I took him to meet "Williams", "Butch" Kellman, Michael Cupideau, Carlton Roach Jr, Wallace Austin, Lloyd Gay, and others, the one thing I have to say is, that U R using the wrong temperment file on your "Peterson Strobeascope", the EQU temperment file that U R using is for "Pianos", remember, U R tuning a "Steel Pan" and not a piano, I'm not going to tell U which one it is, go through your "Owner's Manuel" untill U find the one that's work for the "Pan", remember the collabration wheel must stop on the white line on your "peterson", and the collabration wheel should be a thicker black than normal for your note to be accurate, good luck.
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