I invite all the PAN EXPERTS to expand on this little "cut and paste" so that maybe we can compile a little CHEAT SHEET to gain a better understanding of the PANORAMA MUSIC and JUDGING.
Adjudication Criteria – Each steelband shall be awarded points for the following categories:-
(a) Arrangement – a maximum of 40 points shall be awarded under this category
(b) General Performance - a maximum of 40 points shall be awarded under this category
(c) Tone - a maximum of 10 points shall be awarded under this category
(d) Rhythm - a maximum of 10 points shall be awarded under this category.
The 40 points for ARRANGEMENT are broken down into:
Introduction 8 points
Re-Harmonization 12 points
Melodic Development 10 points
Motivic Development 10 points
The 10 points for RHYTHM are broken down into:
Consistency of tempo 4 points (not rate of tempo, but ability of the band to maintain the set tempo for the duration of the arrangement)
Cohesion 3 points (the rhythm men playing together or out of time)
Creativity 3 points (effective utilization of the rhythm section; does the rhythm section blithely play on for 8 minutes or does the arrangement cater to them too).
I am sure that there are PAN EXPERTS out there who can further break down GENERAL PERFORMANCE and TONE categories. Do so and then we can have some better insights into the PANORAMA PRESENTATIONS and how they are judged as a point of reference!!!
Aquil, thank you for those 4 videos. Very informative, even though, as you said, in your humble opinion.
Brenda H.
The listening public for the most part, judge the music because it sound sweet to them and, in 90+% of the time, it’s their band. Maybe a forum can be set up where the public could be educated on the judging criteria. Just saying.
Well, after listening to your videos I now have a little better understanding of how allyuh does DESTROY MY CALYPSO using dem PANS. All the motific development I need is right there in the calypso in the voice of the singer.
Boy, ah fraid to post anything about PAN any more on this forum because MISS GILLIAN just waiting to CORRECT MEH and put meh in MEH PLACE!!!
That is what they put and tell us to arrange a 8 mins song. It is to bad this only applies to some. check out Victor Prescott explanation on judging. He is 100% correct and if you listen bands in the panorama you will hear arrangers don't follower the criteria and are rewarded for it. It is all in the branding. Those yankee boys, they are on point every year with the criteria but only for the international panorama they got results but why not get the results now?
The answer to that question is the key.
Aquil: Don't jump the GUN ON ME!!! I will be addressing the THREE YANKEE BOYS issue in due course. I am just letting the PANORAMA run its course. You know that I am an EXPAT SUPPORTER above all else. Actually, those two cut and paste passages came from the Victor Prescod discussion. I even heard you repeat a piece from his passage in your video.
Now, let's talk business. After listening to and studying your videos, I feel that I am equipped to arrange for SAN CITY once KEITH DIAZ steps down and you become PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO. You will be very busy in that job so you will need a GOOD ARRANGER to take over the band.
well yes...
plz explore stand up comedy as a hobby because the world needs a good laugh every now and again...
Videos on youtube that break down all the musical devices in a way anyone can understand.