- A motion will be made at Tuesday’s December 10, 2017 Emergency Meeting for the Entire Central Executive under Acting President of Pan Trinbago, Richard Forteau to step down with immediate effect….following the installation of a 90-Day Interim Committee comprising of the Four Regional Chairmen of Pan Trinbago Inc., as well as 3 other Members-At-Large.
- The Three Members-at-Large will be Messrs. Keron Valentine, Keith Byer and Michael Marcano.
- ...
- The mandate of the interim committee will be two-fold -:
- To hold Central Executive Elections in 90 Days.
- To Operationalize in conjunction with the NCC (National Carnival Commission) the operations of Panorama 2017, ...providing that some consensual conditions are met:
- The immediate payment of all outstanding remittances to pan players from Carnival 2016.
- That the remittance for players for the year 2017 shall be $1,000.00 TTD, and further to that, that the Panorama Rules regarding players being permitted to performing in one band only, will be changed to accommodate the permission framework as with the arrangers, that is... players will be allowed to play for one band per category, ...at a remittance of $1,000.00 TTD per band in each category.
- That the enforcement and regulation of that rule to prevent as that which has occurred in the past occurrences... what currently occurs ...that is, the ‘players and names racket’... will be jointly managed by the NCC and Pan Trinbago to ensure the verification and validation of players, and their respective performances with their various orchestras in the various categories.
- The immediate payment of all outstanding remittances to pan players from Carnival 2016.
- It is proposed that NLCB (National Lotteries Control Board) handles ticketing through its outlets, and Gate receipts will be under the control of NCC, to the benefit of Pan Trinbago to begin chipping away at that $31,000,000.00 TTD debt.
- A Secretary for the Interim Committee is being considered. Secretary of the Northern Region of Pan Trinbago Ms. Desiree Myers was considered... As at this time; no consensus has been made regarding this important interim appointment.
- Mr. Keith Byer, Chairman of Siparia Diatonics, former Vice President of Pan Trinbago has met with Mr. Michael Marcano, President of BP Renegades, also former Vice President of Pan Trinbago, as it relates to the drafting of the motion for Tuesday’s Emergency meeting. They will draft the motion for presentation for the Emergency Meeting.
- The Chairmanship of the Interim Committee herein referred to as the Interim President of Pan Trinbago Inc., shall and will appoint a Panorama Management Committee for 2017, and assume the reins of the organization operating within Act 5 of 1986, and the current constitution of Pan Trinbago Inc.
From the News desk of the United Players Movement
Wait, you allow a system of fostering an "eat-ah-food" mentality to prevail, but when the players protest for their cacada money to eat ah food, you blow the whistle and cry fowl, sorry foul (lol) and get mad when the players threaten to walk off the field? But what chubble is did??? Ah guess we foreign expats really out-of-touch, ent...
No furriners. only local. They like it so.
What United Pan Players must take into consideration is that the $1,000.00 from the government is a "stipend"....a "thank you" from from the people of Trinidad and Tobago as it were. I may be wrong but I don't see it as a "salary". I always say to "crackshots"...."If yuh want money, go and get a wuk". Find a "salaried" (if that is a word) job. The people of Trinidad and Tobago shouldn't have to pay you to hustle and disrespect the artform either. They will thank you for playing for one band only...Let the other bands you play for compensate you for your time.
Excellent! Positive vibes.
Do work with the principles of the Pan Trinbago Constitution which should have items to guide the removal of persons from office. Cover all the points..
Good advice, make sure to cross the t's and dot the i's...
90 day interim is key here, they seem to be on the right tract for me. I like the 3 members at large and I think Mr Keron Valentine would make an excellent President.
This is how you get the best people, pool all the names and choose,I would even put Mrs Ramsey-Moore in the mix.
TOO MUCH RECYCLING of OLD PAN MEN in positions where they LACK the ADMINISTRATIVE SKILLS to take PAN GLOBAL. If the Government wants to keep shelling out 100 MILLION DOLLARS A YEAR (salaries and office space and benefits and PANORAMA FUNDING) for BIG MEN to sit around ALL YEAR ROUND to produce ONE SHOW at CARNIVAL TIME -- then dem fellahs have all right to TEEF all the money and sit around and lime all day.
If you fill those posts with qualified employees who work 8 hours a day moving PAN FORWARD both LOCALLY and GLOBALLY there will be PAN MANIA in Trinidad and around the world.
One thing that we are learning from this crisis is that you can hire a TEAM to produce PANORAMA for two months of the year and not have to carry their salaries and perks and benefits for 12 MONTHS in the year. Instead the Government could just take FIFTY MILLION DOLLARS every year and divide it up among the 178 steelbands in Trinidad (appropriated by BAND SIZE) and the BANDS could do better on their own.