
  • The stage is set!

    Showdown on de Barbergreen!

    Savannah Party!


  • The top 5 ran just as I predicted...Silver Stars is a surprise in the three exiting bands...Bucooneers and Tropical Angel Harps are lucky to be still in it...As I said earlier...It's all about preparation and the top five bands were far better than the rest...

    • Okay, MERRYTONESTOTHBONE: TAKE YUH BOW!!! Just as you predicted!!!

      A this point you have to be HARD CORE SOUTH MAN to be still waving the SOUTH FLAG (only Arthur Traverso is that rabid).

      • In general South was disappointing...My experience leads me to believe it was as a result of the national player problem that most bands feel they could solve by hiring crackshots...That may work for the Single, Small and Medium categories, but definitely not for Large bands...But say wha?...I doh know what I talking about anyway...So let them all stew in their respective fats...

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