Trinidad Guardian
Eighty–year-old Daisy James-McClean, leader of the Harlem Syncopators Steel Orchestra, sacrificed and saved over the years using her pension money to buy the land where the band is on at Quarry Street, Port-of-Spain.
The subvention for single bands from the Ministry of Community Development, Culture and the Arts helps immensely as her band is unsponsored.
James-McClean said, however, arrangers, tuners and transport were expensive.
It is this lack of sponsorship that is affecting her band and its members who are in need of instruments, the facility lacks a water tank, benches, the roof needs extending to protect players and spectators when it rains, and the walls need painting.
Its the second time i am reading this post and NO ONE COMMENTED,well here we go as a carpenter .mason,and joiner had i been in T&T i would at least given a day or 2 free of charge to lend a helping hand,,straight up ,,,i had done it twice here in upon my re-migration back to Suriname AFTER LIVING IN from Curacao for 8 years ,,this is only being done with a clean heart and mind and OBSERVATION,its an Antique Panyard and i know what it is to make that sacrifice ,,was there ,,done it and am still doing it,fellas we got to leave this world fuh real ,,but before leaving at least we can try to lend a helping hand ,Respect to everyone ,God Bless.