Unsponsored Panmen receive cheques


Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - The Minister of the Arts and Multiculturalism, Dr. Lincoln Douglas, says Government will keep supporting the growth of the steelband in order to strengthen the cultural sector.

On Tuesday, the Ministry distributed $2.7 million to unsponsored bands to assist with their preparations for Panorama 2013.

The President of Pan Trinbago, Mr. Keith Diaz, said from the humble beginnings of the Panorama 50 years ago, the steel pan is expected to progress even further on the world stage with the first ever International Panorama Finals in 2014.

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  • Cecil: Diaz say that is OVER 58 COUNTRIES in the world that have STEELBANDS right now ... dat go be ah REAL BIG INTERNATIONAL PANORAMA next year, boi!!! And if you break down America by states, California alone have over FIFTY steelbands.

    • Claude, I doh know of 1 steelband that could afford to take 50 players to T&T, yuh boi Diaz only putting words there. We have to remind the Minister to pay out the money a little earlier because that's when it's needed the most.

      • Bands abroad get more help from their respective communities/governments than this government ever gives to the National Instrument. In England alone the arts council  gives to the Panorama . Many players have been brought here before for World Pan Music Festival competition in the middle of the year. So all the negatives as far as fifty members to be transported to T&T. is a no contest

        •  Sarah-Ann, panorama is 100 players, if the bands from England could afford to go thats good. What do we know about the bands in other parts of the world, who could afford to take 100 players plus management to T&T for panorama. I don't think any band in Canada can afford to take part, unless Diaz get the T&T govrrnment to send up a plane and pay room and board. I don't think T&T people will want there tax $$$$$ spent like that.

          • Especially if they coming here to get real BAD BAD licks. NO CONTEST!!

            • Buh how allyuh Trini cud boast so............Thats not licks, that's cut-ass. lol

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