USSA Election Notice




Keith Marcelle: Chairperson

Trevor John

Adrian Lovell


On Monday November 6th, 2017, 7pm to 9pm, there will be a Question  & Answer meeting.  All candidates will be present to answer questions. This meeting is open to all Steel Band members, however only the two designated representative will be allowed to vocally question the candidates, all other members attending will be able to have question posed to the candidates, but it will have to be written submitted to the Election Committee for them to read out.


On Wednesday November 8th, 2017, 7pm to 9pm USSA Election 2017 will be held. Both events will be held at Sesame Flyers International Cultural Center 3510 Church Ave. between E35 Street and Brooklyn Ave.


Please be on time.

Thank you.



Keith Marcelle

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  • Or the other members can give the questions to their delegate friends, instead of writing and going thru the election committee, right?
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