US Vice President Joe Biden tries out a steelpan


Trinidad US Biden


Vice President Joe Biden, left, accompanied by Trinidad & Tobago's Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, tries out a steelpan, the traditional percussion instrument of the Caribbean twin-island country, during their meeting at the Diplomatic Center in St. Anns, Trinidad, Tuesday, May 28, 2013. (AP Photo/Anthony Harris)/TTO106/333178237095/1305290100

Trinidad and Tobago Newsday:

....“I’m asking each of you heads of state to please write a note to President Obama,” he said. “Tell him it’s critical that I come back to Trinidad and Tobago and then I can visit each of your islands for us to stay at least a couple weeks.”

....Minutes after he ended his speech and bid the Prime Minister farewell, Biden stopped the vehicle that was taking him to the Piarco International Airport in order to give one final message to the Persad-Bissessar. 

“Don’t forget that steel-drum is mine!” he said. “You tell President Obama that!” As with his arrival on Monday night, Biden had been greeted hours earlier by pan music as he walked the red-carpet to enter the double doors of the Diplomatic Centre at 11:14 a.m.

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  • If I am not wrong this is not the first photo op that is publicized whereby the National Instrument of T&T is being presented,,forgive me WST members, but it seems like the tassa drum is the national instrument,what more is there is say,,question? why the hesitation in making  it official that the Pan /Steelpan is the original National Instrument  of T&T ,but whenever your honour  goes abroad  the Steelpan/Tenor Pan/ ,nb ,is always in the frontline?????nuff respect Pan'tum.

  • At the moment China President is visiting TT - maybe our PM would make the same gift presentation a PAN - that would be expositions to 1 billions Chinese people.

    • Careful what you wish for.  Once dem chinee and dem get into pan, it will explode and they will tek-over, count on it...

    • This is thegreatest
  • I don't know when my people are going to realize there is a big difference to being an Industry and being a Culture. Industries can compete Cultures do not and they are able to gross over to other cultures without static.  Because we were not taught to embrace our own Culture as a growing people is not a reason to become ignorant of the present, and how it has been accepted by the world's nations as something of importance. We must now embrace whoever accepts and recognizes our culture for the contribution it has made not only for Trinidad &Tobago the Country of it's origin but to the World as a whole...A joseph   

  • The problem with the steel pan is that people outside recognizes its value.Those persons who can uplift the art by promoting our culture is yet to realize the dis-service they are doing for this country. Probably, we should've been there picketing for the recognition deserving for the Pan Industry  which is long outstanding.if you showcase our pan then, put your money where your mouth and invest in it.At least Vice-president Joe Biden recognizes our talent and ourvaluable instrument the STEEL PAN!!

  • Great and defining article by George D. Goddard.

    The Pan is always on the Front Line when it comes to representation ( or show-off) to other heads of state. Because nothing else in Trinidad & Tobago truly symbolises and represents the nation of Trinidad & Tobago ..but alas when the pomp and circumstance of the moment is over ... it is back to the long time ash-Wednesday scenario with no more respect for the Pan. How long will this continue on?...  how many more heads of state do we have to give a Pan to as a gift? ... the President of the US ,...  the Prime Minister of Australia.... the Vice- President of  USA many more photo-ops?...

    The solution lies in (1) As Goddard puts it ..the Pan must have its own INDUSTRY.. the economic perspectives of the Pan are unlimited ( money talks volumes) . (2) It must have as Hameed Shaqq presented its recognition  as 'The National Instrument' duly enacted in the Parliament of T&T ..( not lip service). (3) and further more to make the above possible it should have its own MINISTRY whereby it can have the Political Clout, Will and Budget to enforce and determine its own agenda.

    Anything short of this is lip service and continued exploitation of this instrument we all feel so much about.

    Again this is a well written article by Goddard which bring into focus the relevance, importance and the dilemma of the Pan



    • If we want to get movement from the politicians on Pan initiatives we need to set up a scenario where they ignore our interests at their own peril. This means we affect their re-election bids of them and the parties they are affiliated with. With many of the successful movements around the world, it is the people who lead the way, with government reluctantly bringing up the rear.

    • The present administration has to be removed is the first priority, boycott is not going to work with Trini people so we will have to come up with other ways of getting them out. Then  we could work with the new administration about implementing these ideas.

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