Was Mr. Aquil Arrindell’s performance as Education Officer of Pan Trinbago Poor?
By Aquil Arrindell
In reply concerns expressed.
Let me start off by saying that to my standards, it was poor. Now let me also say that you cannot put fertile seed in infertile soil and expect it to grow.
So let us analyse, in terms of education, if Mr. Arrindell could be considered ‘fertile seed’. Then, let us see if Pan Trinbago, under a Diaz-lead administration, can be considered ‘infertile soil’.
#1 Aquil Arrindell
From any research done on Mr Arrindell, you will come to the conclusion that he has a passion for the steel pan and music educate (which goes beyond just sharing information). Aquil Arrindell has been giving music lessons since he was sixteen years of age. As a B.A degree holder in music, he is now 38 and is teaching at four primary schools in the south-eastern district in Ministry of Education’s Multicultural Music Programme Unit. He has worked with eight schools thus far within that district, helping to implement and develop the music education curriculum. He has his own music school in San Fernando where he teaches children in the community free of charge with an additional music theory class for all ages at a small cost. He is the project coordinator for numerous summer camps and he can now boast of having his students run some of his summer camp as shown in this YouTube documentary. https://youtu.be/Bokq7SbXBn8 . His steel band, San City Steel Symphony, is youth-based and focuses on using music education to positively impact its members at an eco-socio level.
Now, if I continue, this will just get boring. I do too much. I will attach my resume to this document.
What might be interesting to note is that when I am involved in something, failure is not an option.
Hence the reason I am still fighting for a better Pan Trinbago.
#2 Pan Trinbago
How do we assess Pan Trinbago?
I have already admitted that our P.T. members did not benefit much from my short stint as education officer. However, did the last education officer achieve anything under the Diaz-lead administration? No. Probably he was a waste of time like me. So, let us analyse the P.R.O. Is he doing a good job creating good public relations under the Diaz-lead administration? No! Well, how about the PRO before him? No. Well, let us then consider the E.R.O. Is he doing a good job by encouraging good external relations (international connections) under a Diaz lead administration? NO! How about the E.R.O. before him? At some point we have to realize that it is not the people, it is the system which this current administration refuses to change.
We can also check Pan Trinbago’s performance based on EVENTS.
STEEL PAN SENSATION… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
PAN DOWN MEMORY LANE … crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
PAN IN THE TWENTYFIRST CENTURY … crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
PAN IS BEAUTIFUL … crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
PAN IN THE COUNTRYSIDE… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
THE GREENS 2015, 2016, 2017… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
CHAMPS IN CONCERT… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
PANORAMA 2017… crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
And mostly likely PANORAMA 2018…crash! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
Enough on events
Let’s talk about billion dollar projects
Lost control of the pan factory… Under a Diaz-lead administration.
Invested over 25 million in setting up an International Steel band Association. Failed!… Under a Diaz-lead administration.
The Africa Trinidad & Tobago Steel pan development company. Undisclosed sum of money invested... Failed! Under a Diaz-lead administration.
And last but not least, finance.
Pan Trinbago is bankrupt. On the verge of insolvency. 2016 into 2017, thirty million dollars in debt. Cannot pay their staff; can’t pay their rent; can’t pay their electricity bills etc.
Based on the points considered, while trying to be as unbiased as possible, the statement, ‘cannot put fertile seed in infertile soil and expect it to grow’, would be applicable to my short stint at Pan Trinbago’s Education officer.
I was pan Trinbago’s education officer elect of only one year. The fact is, that under those conditions, I could not have done much. Saying that without apology.
Aquil “education officer” Arrindell.
Was always and still is.
Yours truly.
Now all you need is ah PRO to guide you on the politics trail.
Brenda H.
Mrs Brenda Hosing, thanks, but comparing accomplishments to others is not some thing i do. i just do projects when there is a need and nobody will to fill it. my band has a good support team and i learnt most of what i know for the seniors in the band. I just trying pass no knowledge and their kindness to others.
Aquil: You just seem to be WINNING everybody's admiration on this FORUM at my expense. And I don't like it!
I spent years earning Brenda's friendship and now you gone with it.
I thought for sure that Ingrid was going to invite me to come to ENGLAND and the next thing I know is that she is coming to TRINIDAD to meet you -- SPECIFICALLY.
Don't talk about CECIL and BUGS!!! I spend years trying to win dem fellahs friendship and now they gone and jump on the CIP SHIP.
And then everybody want to know why I jumping on the RUSSELL PROVIDENCE BANDWAGON. Well the answer is very simple: Everybody like you now and nobody doh like me -- except for meh new pardner, RUSSELL PROVIDENCE. So I have to do like SLOOPY and hang on to that man!!!
Claude, you're making me laugh. Whenever you are coming to England, you must let me know. Other than that, the next meet up is Trinidad.
Aquil: Yuh is ah BIG STAR on the FORUM, boy!!!
ha , mr claude why you want to give me all that head ache? you don't like me? you aint see find lil half indian boy dose look good for his age?
Thanks bro.
Impressive Resume Aquil - keep up the Good Work particularly with the kids.