Documentary “Takopera Ô Katá” portrays theatrical work by Sérgio Boré
Sergio Boré & Tambores Urbanos
Sérgio Boré on steelpan
Bahia, Brasil - This December, Takopera Ô Katá debuts on Youtube (watch below), a documentary about the creation process of the musical theater show “Raízes da Fantasia”, a work by Sérgio Boré. The film consists of reports by the artists and their experiences in spaces of rehearsal and creation, behind the scenes of the theater and on stage, revealing the intriguing process of giving birth to a show. and re-signifies them to a contemporary language. Directed by Rosanna Viegas, the documentary is set with a soundtrack performed live, in presentations, by the composer and multi-percussionist Sérgio Boré, accompanied by his group: Tambores Urbanos.
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Documentary Takopera Ô Katá portrays theatrical work by Sérgio Boré" (