December 2nd, 2019
"Perhaps both Government and the present Pantrinbago Executive must investigate the previous management group asking them to account for their actions or lack thereof."
I am quite certain that there will be NO INVESTIGATION of the DIAZ-FORTEAU PAN TRINBAGO CORRUPTION. But I am hoping that the NEW PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVE keeps its promise of ROOTING OUT CORRUPTION in the CURRENT EXECUTIVE.
And on that score, I think that it is IMPERATIVE that BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE does a THOROUGH INVESTIGATION into the abundant rumors criss-crossing the PAN WORLD concerning the handling of accounts by the CURRENT VEE PEE when he was head of the EASTERN REGION.
Numerous questions are being asked and it is time for the VEE PEE to respond to these questions and clear his name so that this CURRENT EXECUTIVE (TEAM REBUILD) could MOVE FORWARD without distractions linked to FURTHER CORRUPTION across PAN TRINBAGO.
Michael Franco....I will never forget this moment brother and what you did here so long as I live..
A real Pan Trinbago delegate with brass balls bolted on......
where is my friend MerryTonesToDeBone..........come the editorial nuh....Be informed..Love Blessings
Mr Lindsay...I am aware of the editorial and the concerns raised. I admire and applaud the resolve of people like you and my good friend Claude in so aggressively pursuing all things Pan Trinbago. It is indeed noble. You no doubt are quite familiar with my stance on the anyhowness that has infected Panorama and I dare say Pan in general. Unlike you and Claude however I have as of Single Pan prelims 2019 decided to divorce myself from all things Panorama, and at this stage forever because I know that things will never change. Ah not waiting' for light to see what I already can in the dark. I have seen the anyhowness destroy my beloved band Merry Tones to the point where we no longer can "expect" players to turn up for Panorama 2019. Neverthless, we have hired a new arranger who has promised that "he could bring players".
Gregory...In spite of the current plague of dishonesty, we all continue to support Pan Trinbago and Panorama. But not me anymore sah. While I dream of an well-run organisation where transparency and in turn respect for all members is commonplace, too many of us for my liking simply see dollars to be any cost...
I refuse to be disrespected by what Panorama has become. I refuse to support anybody who will continue to disrespect me. As I said in an earlier post. When confronted with the fact that no system was in place to mitigate against mercenary players, Madame President calmly responded..."We will do it next year"...Not me brother...Allyuh could keep allyuh Panorama...From now...and Forevermore...
Wait nuh....I have delegates in the Congress of Pan Trinbago, supporting the delegate from Power Stars...and it in de Editorial of today's Guardian... Michael Franco. Hmm..well a special measure of gratitude to Mr. Franco and my other fellow delegates, I will recommit myself to sharing a public editorial grade cut ass unrivalled unless that executive under President Beverley Ramsey Moore and Treasurer Gerald Mendez.....lest Franco's advice is heeded.
Humble thyself Executives..and watch allyuh step Pan Trinbago.
The entire world is watching you
I was also there and I support the author account of what was said on that day.
“You want to see Diaz in handcuffs?”...
Queen Victoria - "The Suspect Band" - 2019
...Turning to our current management team, I would like the president, Beverly Ramsey-Moore to explain to steelband members of Pantrinbago why she recommended verbally to and I quote “Bury the Report” and then later to vehemtly deny audibly voicing those words. I heard her myself and I am at a loss to understand the logic behind her now denial of having said those words.
The representative for Power Stars Steel Orch., while addressing the floor after Madam President utterances, rejected the idea of moving on without taking any action to rectify the past.
He was interruted by the word “Timing” being repeated three time by someone at the head table followed by the question “You want to see Diaz in handcuffs?”...