I would like to encourage more of the sideline readers to start participating in the discussions. I understand the issues that limit participation. But I am asking the "read only" members to cross the bridge and express themselves.
If you love the pan, you have to brave the storm and forget about the occasional bumps and bruises that come with posting on this forum.
COMING TOGETHER should be the primary objective and so many members have SO MUCH to bring to the PROGRESS OF PAN ... please JUMP IN THE BREW!!!
The success of the pan in the Caribbean is our responsibility, we therefore need t be more proactive in that regard. so I concur that participation in any pan forum is critical..all contributions will contend. My concern is..not enough pan music is aired..its though pan is a pass time in these parts so a half hour or so in allocated to pan on the airwaves....not good enough....I know that this concern is reverberated..often but we must continue to make noise.....hoping that the powers that be will listen and take action. In closing .inviting everyone to tune to"new kind on the block" zoomradiofm.com or 96.1 fm..in Antigua every Sunday 6-9pm for Pan Xpression. W are making our contribution.
Part of our problem is that pan is not used in most of the music we produce, when this changes we will see a huge difference.
I agree wholeheartedly
I think Tommy had tuned the pans for them.
Tommy is a boss. He have that old timer spirit about him but he on top of d latest methods in making and tuning pan. He eats, lives & breathes Pan more than anybody I know...
Bush and plantains and such. I have always had all this since I came here so like I said I know where you are coming from. But on the other hand you seem to be a well educated person judging by your comments so that's a plus on your side. So all in all we just have to be thankful for a place to belong, hey GRJ I think you also did great even though you were far away from the community as well . Blessings.
I'm hungry now... thank you ;) I have immediate family in Toronto still, but Calgary is where my closest Trini-fix is.
While I commend the hard work WST and Pannist/Tuners/Arrangers/Fans Internationally, sometimes people forget the small man in d small town with the small band making HUGE contributions for the upliftment of Pan & Trinidad & Tobago culture. For instance, I have simply asked my band be added to the list of Steel Orchestras on numerous occasions over the years and info has been updated (onitting mine) after my submission was made. Pan Trinbago only sees and cares about Trinidad & Tobago Steelbands. I have been taken by some Pan tuners who want quick cash - pans sound fantastic when they are now tuned but by d end of d 1st or 2nd practice, back out again. Another issue with some tuners is that u pay good money for pans and are sent a pack of crap (sloppy chroming, sloppy sinking and grooving and on top of it all, d barrels used are clearly substandard) I have taken weathered many storms an taken numerous bumps, knife in the backs, buss head and buss throat over 28 yrs and never once was paid unless i did a solo job. If that isnt love, then what is? It has alot of people who do this just like me and a thank you self is a rare thing. Sorry if I sound a little bitter, but ah lil bligh once in awhile (or even simple recognition that we exist) would be appreciated for us who work hard to see Pan reach higher heights in places where few Trinis (and West Indians on the whole) tread. We try to reach out but we are mostly ignored...