By Gary Cardinez -- Trinidad Express
Story Created: May 7, 2012 at 10:53 PM ECT
Story Updated: May 7, 2012 at 10:53 PM ECT
Trinidad & Tobago - Minister of Planning and the Economy Dr Bhoe Tewarie has called on stakeholders to "rethink pan in the context of world music trends and opportunities".
Tewarie was delivering the feature address on Sunday at the Trinidad and Tobago International Conference on the Steelpan 2012 at the National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA). The theme of the three-day conference which is sponsored by the National Gas Company is "Pan Globalisation: Progress and Possibilities", and it is a part of SteelFesTT — The Steelpan Festival of Trinidad and Tobago.
Views: 445
(1) Here we have the Minister of Planning and the Economy speaking on the Pan
(2) The other day we had the Minister of Education speaking on the Pan
(3) We are accustomed to the Minister of Arts & multiculturalism speaking on the Pan
(4) The minister of Tourism speaks on the Pan
(5) the Minister of Community Development also speaks on the Pan
I am sure that other Ministries have or will speak on the Pan
Is it a possibilty of "too many cooks"?
Back to my point ..After 60 plus years
The Pan has grown up needs it's own Ministry
We need " An Exclusive Ministry for the Steelpan in Trinidad & Tobago"
What I gleam from this message it is a pattern, Keith Diaz, had a great presentation followed by the PM to quell the rumor about the Pan in the Classroom and Bhoe Tewarie presentation.
The Steelpan as an Industry is heading to the next level all those with your ideas concerning the industry get prepared.
I am looking for ward to see some business executives commissioned by the authority to plan the manufacturing of the steelpan in mass production and get the industry going. The energy is heading towards the economics side.
Mr. Tewarie in his wisdom has pointed out all that many of us in the Pan Fraternity has been continuously doing over the past decades. however, Mr.Tewarie should consider in his position as Minister of Planning that once Pan goes beyond Tobago and the nautical directions around our Twin island republic it becomes a product of Trinidad and Tobago and by extension the responsibility of the Government of T&T.In his speech he has mentioned about the seasonal aspect of Pan the instrument, but while There are about 13 festivals religious and otherwise he has not mentioned the importance of the Pan been used as Musical instruments in ALL schools. He has not taken responsibility as a government representative to harness the energies of the instrument and ensure that it is marketed and distributed on the international market. This is more than about bands and Mas this is about T&T, We do not want "OLE TALK". from another line minister, where was Winston Peters?
The good thing is that the goodly Minister has shown the benefits of the instrument, the bad part, as a minister in Government he nor either of them realise the importance of spreading 'The Gospel of Pan". The country can acquire so much many by the development of the business of Pan the musical Product.
We blame Pantrinbago for a lot stuff comcerning the pan when It should be the Government. The Government have to to be more "hands-on" with the affairs of the pan instead of passing the buck.
Cecil, SteelfesTT 2012 was managed by a business executives team...that is the pattern for the future.
Andre it's good to know we have a business executives team on board but which authority are they reporting too? How can we talk about mass production of pan when there is no decision on the standardization. We have to stop pussyfooting and make the hard decisions.
Things are falling into place every day a new piece of the puzzle appear the SteelfesTT Model is the first time PanTrinbago commissioned a team of business executives to manage an event for them.
We are all in the dark of what are on the drawing board - but we can speculate and push the envelope. These issues are here to stay, the authority would always be reminded.
Trinidad and Tobago Government have already spend $35 million to Develop and Patent the G-Pan. the G-Pan have all the voices. This is how we have to proceed to avoid litigation with other design.
The G-Pan is the standardization pan.
Andre we know that the G-Pan is standard but are all the tuners in T&T making G-Pans only?
Cecil, the Government invest the tune of $35 million tax payers dollars to developer and patent the G-Pans. Now we have to separate the parlor business and the corporate business.
Other steelpan builders will be plying their trade as usual, the market have room for everybody.
What we are talking here is big business - the Government have to fund this. This discussion would develop the G-Pans manufacturing factory.
The Government is pushing diversification of business away from oil and gas. The steelpan industry have no season to sell pans around the world. This is a recession proof business. Mr Bhoe Tewarie is right on the money, and I would continue reminding him.
Terry it is refreshing to see the enthusiasm in the T&T pan people, we in foreign are here to assist but it is you all have to lead the charge. I know about the 35$ mil. Manning spent to develop the G-Pan, I just wanted to see where Andre was going to take meh wid the standardization question. I think that the ultimate goal should be for all pan to be the same [placement of notes] so that panmen could play anywhere without walking with instruments as how it is done with conventional instruments.