... we are responsible for what goes on on the stage.”
But if it was A SUCCESS she would have been TAKING ALL THE CREDIT!!! That is HYPOCRISY!!!
North Park to be reviewed
Newsday Feb 18, 2019
She said it was a learning experience and hopefully the North Stand will return.
Ramsey-Moore also wanted to make it clear that Pan Trinbago was not responsible for an initial ban on coolers in the area.
“I don’t know where that came from. I think those at the gates were confused. What I was aware of is the National Carnival Commission (NCC) special committee with responsibility for the infrastructure didn’t want the bringing in of tables, as it would have taken up extra space. But one phone call changed that.
“Pan Trinbago is not taking blows for what is not its responsibility. We are responsible for what goes on on the stage.”
But what about the BIG COMMITTEE of EXPERTS that she hired and she was 100% sure that they would make the PANORAMA EXPERIENCE the GREATEST IN PANORAMA HISTORY.
Lord Have Mercy -- where is the HONESTY and INTEGRITY and TRANSPARENCY!!!
Doh tell me it was ALL LIES AND DECEPTION!!!
Ah hope she eh paying that committee no big set ah money after this FAILURE and leaving the PAN PLAYERS scrunting!!!
It is go be MAS on THIS FORUM after all dem FALSE PROMISES!!!
Ah-we life raft
John Arnold, HBM Gold, has all the accolades on paper. A combination of event management, music and business.
His biggest foray into event management thus far has been with the Tobago Jazz Festival, which has never pulled in a profit. He is, however, the President of the Copyright Organization of Trinidad and Tobago COTT.
John Arnold. Photo John Arnold
Arnold will fortify the Pan Trinbago President as she ventures into her first Panorama. And Marie Toby, former Chairman of the Tobago Region of Pan Trinbago, will be the new Liaison Officer for all steelbands, obviously sitting at the right hand of the President.
He will join Janine Charles Farray a marketing strategist and publicist, Colin Greaves, a marketing and steel band event management consultant and “ the man from Jet Blue” who gave away free tickets to the previous executive.
Toby’s appointment was ratified by the Central Exec after Ramsey Moore declared at the extra ordinary meeting that she has to “create a Liaison unit, the liaison officials are lazy. Pan is social institution that can be used for social progress,” she said.
They are all on Board for Panorama 2019. That has been decided.
“In 2012, funds were used to pay a consultant for Panorama. the middlemen were creaming off the milk and we don't need a consultant to tell us how to run our show,” Ramsey Moore told the meeting a few days before the decision was taken to pull in Arnold and company.
It is easy to assume that Arnold is on board for voluntary service.
So too, the membership is hoping that Woodbrook Modernaire’s Douglas Williams - a part of the Team Rebuild-who was brought in as Office Admin for Pan Trinbago, will also be of voluntary service.