Now bugs has my respect as a PAN and PANORAMA ANALYST (and a KEITH DIAZ HATER -- I could not leave that out, sorry). And Patrick thinks things out before he expresses himself on this forum. Me, I doh know nothing about NO PAN MUSIC -- I just go with what I think I hear. And on that note, when Mercer force me to listen (grudgingly -- because is only SO MUCH PAN I could really listen to) to SKIFFLE -- it was quite a duty.

But ah have to tell the tale that as I listened to the SKIFFLE "HELLO" move from one musical expression to the next, all meh pores raise up and they was making me feel so sweet -- ah had to say: STOP SKIFFLE!!! STOP!!!

Now, I know how GEOGRAPHY fits into EVERYTHING in life. So the idea of a SOUTH BAND winning is like SNOW falling in TRINIDAD. But the ARRANGERS from SKIFFLE (and if they happen to be EXPATS -- better still) really have my respect based on the VERY LITTLE I know about PAN MUSIC ... and I would like to see them WIN. But with judges bearing southern grudges -- ah have to default to PHASE II.

BOOGSIE is in the PRESENT TENSE of PAN MUSIC with this arrangement. And he should be rewarded with a WIN.

Cecil Hinkson real disappoint me jumping off the BOOGSIE SHIP just when the PANORAMA MUSIC REVOLUTION is about to UNFOLD.

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  • Boi Why yuh telling people I jump off the Boogsie Ship, did I tell you so? In any case let me set the record straight, ah want yuh to read my lips, I WILL NEVER JUMP OFF THE BOOGSIE SHIP, the guy born 2 houses from me so we have an early childhood bond. Today he's one of the greatest composer/arranger of steelband music in T&T, as they say he real BIG in the land and I feel blessed to know him.  You must be careful of statements you make that could damage other peoples relationship,. after all that's not what we are here for.   

    • Well, yuh so busy BIGGING UP RENEGADES -- and BOOGSIE put down some of the most futuristic and TODAY Calypso/Soca that I heard in decades and yuh eh have ah word to say -- what yuh want me to think?

      And all the TIME I on this forum hearing about THE BOOGSIE GENIUS and never joining the RELIGION and when  I see the man DELIVER beyond EXPECTATIONS -- everybody except bugs and Patrick gone quiet.

      Yuh have to be so careful on this forum. I say CALYPSO and people thinking that I am opposed to SOCA. Or maybe they just splitting hairs out of FRUSTRATION.

      • Do I have to tell you about the "fat lady" Renegades was excellent, I called a spade a spade. but it ain't over yet.

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