That translates to ZERO PAN PROGRESS for the NEXT THREE YEARS. Now, CECIL HINKSON likes to make a distinction between STEELBANDS and STEELPANS (I hate that word "STEELPAN" -- but that is a different story); and I like to make a distinction between the STEELBAND MOVEMENT and PAN PROGRESS.

I want to see an organized administrative effort coming out of TRINIDAD to market THE STEELBAND PRODUCT in its various forms -- GLOBALLY. That is the aspect of PAN PROGRESS that I have spent my time on this forum advocating for above all else. Now, more than ever, this FOCUS is absolutely necessary as the GLOBAL ACCEPTANCE of the instrument grows stronger and stronger.

Especially in America!!!

But when ah wake up this morning and see dem three fellahs taking KEITH DIAZ to court -- my last hope for any organized effort to put a TRINIDAD STAMP on GLOBAL PAN got buried in the KEITH DIAZ cemetery along with Gerard Mendez and Beverley Ramsey-Moore and Keith Byer and Oswald Alexander and Aquil Arrindell and Gregory Lindsay.

Because I just cannot and sit down and wait another THREE YEARS for PAN TRINBAGO to get a NEW FACE and VISION. I may just have to give in to my GREATER TEMPTATION which is to take an ACTIVE role (a long distance role) in the NATIONAL POLITICS -- especially on the issue of CRIME!!!

So I hope the INDIAN JUDGE doh quite understand this BLACK PEOPLE STRUGGLE tomorrow morning and he THROW OUT THE CASE!!!

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